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Present Day- Pack Lands


«If I had a Death Note

I would write my name on every page»


"So, you're trying to tell me that, that teenage girl that I just imprinted on is centuries old, and started the species that I'm bred to hate and is some sort of queen?" Quill nods, he'd just told me what he knew of Ginny's story, I didn't believe one word of it. "Yeah, right."

"Dude, I literally just told you everything I know about Ginny, she isn't like the other vampires, that is why, you asked, I gave you the answer, and for some reason you are refusing to believe it." he looks annoyed at me.

"That girl that I just saw is supposed to be a queen? Yeah, my ass." I roll my eyes for the eighth time in five minutes, I hear Quill sigh before he starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot.

"Sam wanted you to meet her before the tribe meeting tonight, the elders will be telling our legends, we wanted you to meet her before you hear the stories about her. It'll be my first meeting as well, that's why I don't know her full story." Quill tells me a couple minutes later as we draw nearer to the pack house. Looking out the window a few minutes later when we pull up to the house, I see a crowd of fellow pack members circling around something, I hear music playing loudly as I get out of the car, I glance at Quill over the hood of the car, he shrugs at me, we walk together over to the crowd, when I reach the front of the crowd, the sight that meets my eyes makes me freeze.

Ginny P.O.V

I cracked my knuckles, the gym wear that I'd changed into fit snug against my body, leaving my flat stomach exposed and showing my scars, I didn't particularly care anymore about keeping them hidden. Sam stands in front of me, an excited smirk plastered on his face, this was one of our favorite things to do. I jumped on the spot, limbering myself up slightly, I didn't need it but it helped, I found it hard to keep the manic grin off my face as I waited for Embry to complete the giant ring that he was drawing twenty feet around us.

"Alright, you know the rules," Emily says, standing between Sam and I.

"What rules?" I hear someone in the pack shout, followed by laughter from the other pack members, Emily chuckles.

"Just don't kill each other." Is all she ways before waving her hand and running out of the circle into the crowd, Sam was right, her face was healing nicely.

"How much are we betting Sam wins?" one of the newer members mutters to another, probably thinking I can't hear him, I smirk when the other replies that I'd win.

Sam and I begin to slowly circle each other, typically, Sam will begin the fight in his human form until I get a good hit on him and then he'll shift, I just gotta wait till he tries to attack.

"How badly do you think I'll hurt you?" Sam asks, cockily as we complete another circle, slowly closing in on each other. I smirk, getting ready as I see him lunge forward, I duck under his punch and bend the light around me to make it seem as if I'd disappeared. He could easily find me by smell but this would disorient him for a moment, I get behind him and sweep his legs out from under him, bringing my fists down in a hammering motion and hitting him square in the chest, I hear the ground tremble when he hits the ground, I'd successfully knocked him down, but he'd be back up in no time once he'd caught his breath. I laugh as I phase away, giving him a moment.

Sam and I hadn't sparred like this in a very long time, since before I'd gone back to Volterra and I'd missed it, it sounds horrible but hurting each other in an almost equal fight is therapeutic for the two of us. Helping each other clean the blood, sweat, and tears off ourselves after the fight even more so, its kind of like twisted couples therapy, except we're not together anymore, but that's not the point. We cause each other physical pain that we will easily heal from to avoid hurting each other emotionally, that is a bit harder to heal from.

Sam surprises me by not shifting, he takes a moment to breathe before standing back up again, he probably wanted to get better at fighting without his wolf form, he was talking to me about wanting that a few days ago. I hear cheers from the crowd as Sam stands, wincing from the bruises that no doubt litter his body from me smashing him into the ground.

"Who's hurting now?" I ask, taunting him, a smirk forming on my face. La di die by Jaden Hossler and Nessa Barrett begins playing, my smirk grows as I begin to feel the music, my heart speeds up to match the beat. Sam, who recognizes the song and the smirk tells Embry to change the song, I pretend to pout as the song quickly changes.

"You're not going to use that creepy superpower this time, Princess, I learn from my mistakes." Sam tells me in response to my pout, I laugh at his obvious fear of my siren-like powers. He takes a few steps towards me, obviously going for another attack, I duck out of his first punch but don't expect the second one he sends my way, his fist slams painfully into my jaw and sends me reeling slightly, I put my hands up to block the next couple punches that he tried to land while I was distracted. After deflecting his first punch, I get him with an uppercut to the nose that sends him a couple steps backward, he touches his fingertips to his nose that was now streaming blood. I spit out the blood that had collected in my mouth from my split lip and charge at him, at the last second, I create a shield of shadows in front of me, crashing that into him and sending him flying backward, he crashes to the ground at the edge of the ring some ten feet away, I hear him growl in frustration before he finally shifts, giving up hope of beating me in human form.

The ginormous black wolf that was now Sam growls low at me before charging forward, I tap into my elemental magic, shifting the ground beneath his paws and throwing him off balance. The wolf surprises me by leaping into the air and making it over to me, before I can regain myself, the wolf slashes me across the chest with its sharp claws, I slam a wall of shadows into the wolf and send it soaring back, out of the ring, giving myself time to check myself over. There were four gashes across my chest, they were pretty deep but not horribly so, they hurt quite a bit when I moved but I could already see that the blood flowing down my chest was slowing and knew that soon, the gashes would seal themselves back together and it would be like they were never there.

As I saw the wolf coming back for another strike, I drop myself to the ground and summon an ice block around myself to give myself time to heal before I may be further damaged. I close my eyes, blocking out the sound of Sam's claws trying to tear through the hard ice and instead focus on my heartbeat, it takes a few moments but the blood stops flowing and I feel my skin sew itself back together and I open my eyes. I hold my hand out, palm flat and facing upwards, I take control of the ice around me, when I close my hand into a fist, the ice explodes, distracting Sam just long enough for me to get myself out of the ice and move away from him.

I manage to get myself behind him without him noticing, I jump onto his back before he can spot me and grab his neck, I punch him in his face multiple times from behind him, he jumps around, slamming me against trees in an attempt to get me off. I feel a small branch on a tree cut deeply into my back but continue to hang on tightly to Sam. I punch him in his face four more times before he finally goes down, out cold.

Looks like I win...

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