Into the Lion's Den

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Present Day- Forks, Washington

I stood on the front step of her house, biting my nails as I waited for someone to come to the door. I'd almost turned around and left multiple times before I finally forced myself to knock. I truly hoped nobody had noticed that I'd been standing there for about six minutes before they finally heard the knocking sound. Judging by the time it is taking for anyone to come to the door, I think I'm safe.

The door to the stunning house opens with a sudden wave of the sweet scent of cookies baking. The smell makes my mouth water instantaneously, I try and swallow the saliva that had gathered in my mouth before looking up at the girl who had opened the door. She was very pretty, I recognized her from the pictures on the phone, she was one of the girls that looked like both Sam and the girl whose phone I had. She had a bit of flour on her cheek and an apron wrapped around her waist that had more flour plastered to it.

"Hi, uh, I was at the beach earlier today and a girl left her phone there, I looked at the address that was saved on the Amazon and found out that she lived here. So I came to give the phone back..." I realized that I was rambling and looked around, hoping for something else to say, "Is she here?"

The girl just stared at me blankly for a couple of moments before glancing down at the phone I was holding up. Her left eyebrow twitches up for a fraction of a second before it returns to its place, her face blank once more.

"Ginny, there's a boy here for you!" She suddenly yells, making me jump slightly, I was beginning to think she may be deaf, or mute, or something along those lines. The girl turns and walks away, disappearing into the house, leaving me alone to wonder if I should follow behind her or wait for whoever Ginny was. Before I could decide, another girl appeared at the door, bringing with her another wave of the heavenly smell. This one I recognized as the one from the beach, although she had considerably more flour on her than when I'd last seen her. She was practically covered in the stuff and there was a white handprint on her stomach, as if she'd had a full-blown flour fight whilst the other girl had been talking to me.

"Oh, hello, you're that guy that was walking with Bella earlier, right?" she begins in a thick, British accent, sticking a heavily floured hand out for me to shake, "I'm Ginny Cullen."

"Jacob Black," I tell her, I see the tiniest flash of surprise cross her face before it shifts back to a welcoming, friendly expression. I shake her hand, wiping mine off on my jeans once I have, only then did she seem to realize her hands were coated in the white powder and she wipes them on her apron, smiling sheepishly.

"Sorry about Luna, by the way, she doesn't like this whole baking thing. She'd rather paint. She's an amazing painter, horrid baker." She says, wringing her hands apologetically.

"I heard that!" I hear the girl's voice call out from inside the house and Ginny smirks slightly before giving me an expectant look.

"I've only just realized I didn't ask why you're here," she explains.

"Oh, right, uhm...I saw that you left your phone on the beach earlier today and wanted to return it." Her head tilts to the side slightly as I hold the phone up again.

"Oh thank God, I thought for a second that I'd left it with Paul, was not planning on attempting a rescue mission." She says, a slight look of anger donning her face before it is swept away when she realizes she's said too much. "Sorry, thank you for bringing it over, that was very kind of you."

She reaches for the phone and I gladly pass it over. It is a bit awkward afterward, my purpose here was fulfilled, but it didn't feel right to leave just yet for some reason. I felt like there should've been something else, some other reason that I was here, with her. She let the silence draw out for another moment before seeming to decide that she should say something.

"Do you want cookies?" she asks, moving to the side to permit me into the house a split second before I hear someone call out "Cookies are done!" from in the kitchen, I stand, dumbstruck and unknowing of what to do before she gestures with her hand for me to come in. I do as instructed and enter the monster of a house.

Right into the lion's den.

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