The true beginning of Act I

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Two years ago- LaPush Beach


«I had all and then most of you some and now none of you,

Take me back to the night we met...»


"Hey, I'm Sam Uley, I'm the alpha you were asking about?" a boy tells me, walking up to my side as I sit in the sand of LaPush beach, I'd been waiting here for a few minutes after asking one of the pack members where their alpha was. I look over at the boy, he's tall and has the typical pack tattoo on his muscular shoulder. He stares down at me, his gaze on the border of indifference and politeness.

"Ginevra Cullen. I was expecting an older alpha." I state bluntly, he seems taken slightly aback by not only my impoliteness but my thick accent as well. I'd given up trying to perfect an 'American' one a long time ago, people were more understanding of my family's 'situation'.

"Age doesn't really matter if you shifted first." He retorts, taking a seat beside me, almost knocking me over when he jostles into my side, his movements graceless.

"Ah, how foolish of me, I forgot that's how that works. I've been too long away from werewolves." I tell him, still staring out at the waves in front of me, the cool breeze fresh on my skin. I feel his eyes on me in the silent moment before he answers.

"You know other shifters?" he asks, probably so there was something to fill the silence.

"Yes, I've known many packs in my existence. People tend to like me. Even people of the species God created to keep my species in check." I tell him, I can feel his surprise at my reference to God.

"I thought all you vampires didn't believe in God or something. Worshiped the Devil?" he wonders out loud, I laugh at his assumption.

"I'm really the only one of my kind who still believe that we're not destined for Hell, but we don't worship the Devil, nor do most worship God. Many are simply atheists who believe they're going to have a horrible afterlife when they're finally destroyed." I reply glancing at him out of the corner of my eye, he was already staring at me, I look away quickly.

", why were you asking about me?" he asks, shifting himself so that he was facing more towards me.

"I simply wished to know who was currently alpha. I figured it would be better if I introduced myself before coming and going from your land as I please, find if you have any problems with my presence." I tell him, turning to look at him properly.

"I don't have any problems with your presence. My pack as well as my tribe seem to be fond of you already, there are a few legends told of you as well. From past times." he tells me, I laugh at the thought of them telling their children about the time I pushed Ephraim Black off a cliff for the first time, beginning the tradition of the pack going cliff-diving. They probably left out the amount of screaming that Ephraim did on his way down.

"Well, we did have fun." I say, vaguely.

"I'd like to hear about it sometime." The boy tells me, I could hear the suggestion in his voice, his tone asking for something more than simply telling stories. I look at him again, his face expectant and slightly nervous.

"I'd like that..."

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