Moment of Truth

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Present Day- Forks, Washington


«Guess my mind is a prison,

and I'm never gonna get out»


I spin around my room with Stella, Luna, Jess and Ange. Dancing to No Lie by Sean Paul and Dua Lipa, Stella, Luna, and I looked a bit more graceful than our human friends, but that didn't matter, we were having fun. I'd managed to draw out the time that I would have before needing to have the conversation with them by telling them we needed to wait for everyone to be home. We didn't, but it would be easier to at least have my parents there for it.

Over the music, I hear the soft hum of my father's car outside and the garage door opening. I grab my phone and turn down the music, earning groans of protest from my friends.

"Sorry guys, parents are home, time to get down to business," I tell them, they glance warily at each other before nodding, still not knowing what's going on. "Don't worry, it's just a conversation," I tell them, smiling reassuringly before leading them downstairs to the living room where we will have the conversation, we sit down and wait for my parents to come in.

"Hey girls, have a good day at school?" Esme asks kindly as she walks into the room, Carlisle not far behind her.

"We did Mrs. Cullen," Angela replies, respectfully, causing Esme to smile.

"Please just call me Esme," She responds, sitting with Carlisle on the couch across from us and making herself comfortable.

"Now, I'm sure you both are wondering why we brought you here, and why we've been so vague about the conversation we wish to have," Carlisle begins after a moment of silence, they both nod slowly, "We've been talking...and we were interested in offering you an that we hope you'll keep an open mind about. Ginny, I think all this would sound better coming from you." I smile and turn to my friends, they seem even more confused than before.

"Have you ever wondered why all of us look so beautiful? Why most of us don't ever seem to eat? Why do we never seem to come out when the weather is nice?" they both nod at me, I take a deep breath, preparing myself, "We're vampires."

They laugh...

"Okay, seriously, what's going on?" Jess asks, looking around at us, her laughter slowing to a stop when she realizes we're completely serious. "Wait, you're serious?"

"Deadly so. We're vampires, we've been alive for centuries...well, some of us." I tell her, she scoots away, closer to Angela.

"We're not going to hurt you," Esme says, holding her hands out, her face passive.

"Quite the opposite actually, the opportunity we want to give you, is the chance to become one of us," Carlisle adds, gaining Jessica and Angela's undivided attention at this proclamation.

"To become...vampires?" Angela asks, slowly looking at me for confirmation, I smile at her and nod.

"To become like me," I tell them, Jessica looks at me, still unsure.

"Don't vampires kill people?" she asks, still leaning away from me. I smile, nodding apologetically.

"Most do, but some don't. The way you can tell the difference is in the eyes, when a vampire consumes human blood, their eyes will turn a blood-red color, when they drink from animals, they will gain a golden hue, like Carlisle and Esme's eyes." I tell them, gesturing to my parents, they both nod, Jessica looking back to me, once again confused.

"What about your eyes? They're not golden or red, they're not even the same color." I smile, she always was the one to notice details.

"Yes...I'm...a little different, and you guys will be as well if you choose to." I begin, Jessica's eyebrows pinch together, unsure, "When I was a child, back in the 14th century, we'd just gotten out of the black plague. Many people were beginning to ditch religion for science, needing something to reassure them, needing something more...effective to place their faith in, on the off-chance there was another plague. My father was one of those people..." Jessica glances at Carlisle, he laughs and shakes his head.

"No, I met Carlisle much later in my life, about two hundred years later." I tell her, she nods and looks back at me, "My mother died during the plague, leaving just my father and I. He was never very great with emotions. So, instead of mourning the loss of his wife, my father devoted himself to science. Became obsessed with creating the "perfect species". He began reading the most horrific books and articles from ancient times, trying to take what they thought was magic and convert it to science, and he was doing pretty well for a while. The only problem was, that he needed someone to test it on, of course, he couldn't just test out some potentially deadly concoction on himself, and why go out and put in the effort to kidnap someone when you had the perfect little Guinea pig in the next room? His daughter."

Jessica and Angela both gasp, sending me pitying looks, I give them a small smile.

"Well, it worked, after about six tries, he got the ingredients right, but he had to make sure I was what he wanted, so he continued to do unspeakable things, making me kill people, trying different experiments on me, hurting me in every way he could find to see if I could still heal. And I did, I was exactly what he wanted. But I had one...little...problem. I had a heart, and after what my father did, he no longer had a place in it."

"He'd just completed one of his experiments, he'd slashed me with about six knives dipped in a lethal toxin that would've killed any normal human, my wounds were sealing and I was becoming hungry due to the loss of blood. He brought in a boy, maybe a little younger than me, that he'd taken off the street, he wanted me to feed from him. This was the first time that he'd brought in someone so young, someone so innocent. I couldn't kill this child, but I knew who I could kill, who deserved to die."

"I killed my father that night, but in my frenzy, I rounded on the boy, biting into him before I even had the chance to think. But when I realized what I was doing, I threw myself off him, across the room, trying to give him the chance to escape, but something was wrong...the boy dropped to the floor, writhing like he was in such horrible pain he screamed awful screams, after a long time, his screams quieted and his breathing stopped. I was afraid that I'd killed him, so I began creeping closer, and his hand twitched, I thought it was my imagination so I continued, and it twitched again. Suddenly, he's rocketing backward into the wall of the hut, standing in a defensive crouched position. I tried to show him that I wasn't a threat but he wasn't taking the hint, he charged at me, with incredible speed and strength outmatched only by my own."

"I killed him that night, in defense of myself. I'd made him into the kind of vampire that Carlisle and Esme are today, and then I'd killed him. I decided that day that I'd begin my own species, just like my father always wanted for himself." I said, only looking up once I'd finished my story. Jessica and Angela were both awestruck and at a complete loss for words for a few, long moments, then.

"Holy shit," Jessica says, and I laugh, cautiously.

"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up," I tell her, she smiles.

"Well, I get the story, but how does that relate to us?" Angela asks, cautiously.

"I recently broke into my father's notes, decoded them, and found the recipe to make the elixir that made me what I am. I'd been thinking for a while now that I don't wish to live another lifetime without you guys by my side...I was wondering if...if you guys might want to join our family. Become like me?" I ask, looking down at my hands, afraid of the answer. It's dead silent for a couple of seconds before warm hands grab my own.

"We would be honored." That is all they have to say before I tackle them in a hug, Stella and Luna joining in after a moment.

"Oh, that reminds me," I say after I feel Stella and Luna join the hug, I let my friends go and sit up, wrapping an arm around each of my girls.

"Jessica, Angela, I'd like to introduce you to my daughters..."

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