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Present Day- Seattle Washington


«I don't wanna die,

I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all»


"Fucking fuck off, Edweirdo." I tell Edward as he continues to hound me with questions in an attempt to dissuade me from even telling Jessica and Angela about us let alone changing them. He doesn't stop, I've been keeping my mind closed-off from him since last night and he's anxious that he can't read me.

"Edward. I said fucking leave it be!" I yell, having grown tired of his incessant barrage of questions so early in the morning. "I'm going to go to Seattle, you're going to drop the motherfucking subject, and leave me the hell alone!" I yell demandingly at him, rage burning inside me. He smartly shut the fuck up but I can tell he isn't going to leave it alone for long.

"Someone made the queen angry." Emmett says, glaring at Edward as he enters the kitchen, wrapping me in a bear hug for a moment causing me to relax a bit, Edward scoffs and I hear him leave the kitchen.

"Just ignore him, I'm totally down for more sisters, and to see my sister stay happy." I smile at him as I grab a travel mug from the cabinet and he looks at me, questioningly, "How would you like your coffee?" he asks, grabbing the pot from the coffee maker.

"As dark as my soul." I respond with an evil laugh. Emmett simply laughs at me.

"I don't think there's enough creamer in the world for that, Love." Jasper says, coming into the kitchen, he ruffles my hair and I huff at him. Emmett pours a just enough creamer into the mug to ease the bite of the bitter coffee.

"Not as light as your soul, but light enough to be a little sweet." He tells me as he holds the mug out to me, I roll my eyes at their smug smiles and snatch the mug.

"You guys are assholes," I mutter as I turn around, taking a swig of the coffee as I leave the room, the boys snickering behind me. "Bye you guys, I'll be home tomorrow!" I yell, I hear everyone but Edward respond before I grab the bag that I had waiting by the door and take my leave, hefting the bag onto my shoulder as I make my way to the Jeep. I throw my bag into the passenger seat and hop in, taking off speeding toward Seattle, excited to finally be able to make another trip to see Riley.

I let myself in when I reach Riley's place, he gave me a key a while ago, tired of me breaking into his house if he wasn't here when I arrived. The door silently swung open and I crept into the house, tiptoeing, wanting to scare him. I listened hard and heard his slow breathing and the soft scratching of a pencil across paper from the kitchen of his spacious apartment. I creep along the hall until I reach the open entryway into the room, spotting Riley doing homework at the kitchen island, I slowly come up behind him, standing back for a moment before reaching out and slamming my hand down on the counter beside him. He jumps with a high-pitched shriek that would've given any burglar pause and almost falls off the stool, I catch his shoulder and assist him in righting himself.

"Fucking hell, how many times!" I laugh as Riley attempts to regain his composure, I can clearly hear his rapidly pounding heart even over his whining. "Its not funny, how many times do I have to tell you not to sneak in like that?" I continue laughing, making my way to his fridge and grabbing out the cranberry juice as if I owned the place.

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