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Present day-Reservation


«Flippin through all of these magazines,

Tellin me who I'm supposed to be,

Way too good a camouflage,

Can't see what I am, I just see what I'm not.»


"Such a drama king." Emily teases Sam who had just gone on a rant about something completely unimportant that had happened. I snigger and shake my head.

"I know right? Even when we were dating it was always, "I can't fucking believe this" and "They really did that!" and whatever, completely exhausting, I don't envy you Ems." I reply, Sam glares playfully at the both of us before lunging at Emily and grabbing ahold of her, tickling the poor woman mercilessly.

"Sam...stop...I-I can't breathe..." The girl tries to break away from her mate but he's too strong for her. I laugh as I watch them before attempting to find a snack in the fridge, I'm glad Emily is cool enough to understand Sam and I. Sam and I are best friends, there was nothing romantic between us anymore and we like it that way just as much (if not more) than we did when there was something romantic. I was happy that both Sam and Emily were so happy.

"You guys are making me feel terribly single right now." I state as I continue to watch Emily and Sam, now munching on some slightly stale potato chips that were in the pantry (probably because none of the pack members liked this kind). Emily and Sam glance at me, a mischievous grin forming on both their faces, they converge on me.

"Awe, poor Gin-Gin, feeling lonely?" Emily asks, using a God-awful baby voice that I hope she doesn't use on actual children, especially not mine, I felt dread settle in my stomach, I knew my fate. I drop the bag of chips and quickly stand from my stool, attempting to make a break for it before they got me, Sam was too quick, he grabs my elbows, pulling me backwards into his chest, Emily coming around the front of me.

" don't have to do this...I swear, I'll never call you guys disgusting ever again!" I yell, desperation in my voice.

"You didn't call us disgusting..." Emily says, confused.

"Oh, shit-" I say, realizing what I'd said...I might've called them disgusting in my head once or twice (simply because they're so cheesy, I have nothing against them). Emily grabs my face, doing the same thing I'd done to Sam so many times, smothering my face with kisses, Sam wraps his arms tightly around my torso, disabling my ability to fight back (only because I didn't want to!). when Emily is finally finished, I pretend to gag, inside I felt happy that they cared about how I felt.

"Oh, don't be dramatic, it was only a few kisses." Emily tells me, rolling her eyes at my antics.

"Dude, my face is literally slobbery right now." I tell her, pretending to cringe as I ran a hand down my face (it was completely dry).

"Don't even act, there isn't a singular ounce of slobber on that angelic face of yours." Emily replies, Sam agreeing with her as he finally releases me, I glare at them both and they laugh.

"Should swing for this." I mutter under my breath, referring to hanging them.

"What was that, Princess?" Sam asks, his nickname for me has been the same since we'd become friends, he knew I was a queen so he liked to call me this to 'knock me down a peg'.

"I should have you executed for such heinous crimes against the crown." I tell him, making my way into their living room and getting ready to find a movie to watch.

"Which crown, sweetheart?" He asks, technically I wasn't an officially recognized queen, he loved to remind me of this.

"Mine, Dumbass." I tell him, choosing The Sandlot from their collection of movies and sitting next to Emily on the couch, snuggling into her as she leans on Sam, feeling content to simply exist in that moment...

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