Powers Described

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Hey all! So, I know that we haven't really talked much about her powers or anything. They will become slightly more important soon, though, so I'll go ahead and give a quick run-down of the powers I want her to have. She was taken in by a witch when she was younger and so she has learned to be a witch herself and inherited the witch's spellbook when she was burned at the stake.

Empathic Voice- The ability to manipulate other people's feelings through song. She mastered this ability long ago, she now uses it to make other's happy but later down the road will use it to show other's her pain.

Animal Empathy- She has not used this power before, it currently lays dormant.

Arctic Magic- The user can perform a form of magic related to, Antarctic or Tundra regions. They can magically manipulate the region's components and/or channel their mystical energies. She has mastered this power, just hasn't needed it for a long time.

Auramancy- This is her ability to read the auras and bonds of other people, she may use these to see visions of the future or even the past or simply to gain the answer of a question.

Elemental Manipulation- Basically just the ability to control the elements, this was her first power and she has mastered it.

Shadow Bending/Darkness Manipulation- Users can create, shape and manipulate and . Darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into total darkness, but can also be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance: one can also control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons, teleport one's self through massive distances via shadows, etc. She has mastered this ability.

Sleep Magic- Any type of magic that has to do with sleep. She has mastered this ability.

Light Bending- She can manipulate light in the same way she can manipulate shadows (with exception of teleporting) she may also cause other people to see things that aren't really there. She has mastered this ability.

Telepathy/mind link manipulation- She can talk to other people without needing to speak to them through telepathy, she can also create or destroy mind links. She has not yet discovered this ability.

Necromancy- She may commune with the dead, see ghosts, and bring people back to life. She does not yet know she has this power.

Healer- She is a healer and can heal severe and sometimes fatal wounds, she has not mastered this power yet.

She also has Fear manipulation, Nightmare Manipulation, and other Fear Magic, these magics are highly unstable and she has not yet completely mastered them.

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