I am Legend

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Present Day- Forks, Washington


«They tell me I'ma be a legend

I don't want that title now,

'cause all the legends seem to die out,

What the fuck is this 'bout?»


"Hey you guys," I say, sitting down at the lunch table with Angela and Jessica. They look up at me, their faces lighting up.

"Hey, long time no see, bestie." Jess replies, standing and moving one seat over so I'll be between her and Ange.

"Yeah, where have you been, it's been a zoo with you gone," Angela replies, glancing at the boys who were in line, roughhousing.

"Oh, come on, I missed one day of school," I tell her, rolling my eyes, "You guys survived a whole year without me," I add.

"Yeah, but that year was hell," Jess tells me, dramatically.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Hey, you guys wanna come to my house tonight? I've got something I wanna talk to you guys about." They glance at each other before looking back to me.

"Uhm, yeah, sure. Why not?" Jess says, she's nervous because she's never been to my house before and because I didn't give a reason.

"Yeah, I'm down," Angela adds, she feels the same way, but her emotions are mixed with curiosity and excitement.

"Sick, okay, anyways, I beat the shit out of Emmett in Mario Kart last night..." I launch into the tale of how Emmett got completely destroyed by me in Mario Kart...

Paul POV:

I sat with the other pack members around a fire, the Elders were here as well. The crackling of the flames mixes with the sounds of laughter as a couple of members horse around. I stare into the flame and try not to think about the girl who is the reason we're gathered here tonight. I try not to pay attention to the pain in my heart and the wolf whimpering in sadness in my head.

"Alright boys, settle down. It's time for the telling of our tribal legends..." Harry Clearwater says, his deep, cool voice instantly calming and quieting the pack. The crackling of the fire is now the only sound. "Many of you have met Ginevra Beaumont-Cullen. Very few of you have not. If you haven't met her, you certainly saw her sparring with Alpha Ulley just earlier today."

Many people nod and glances are thrown at Sam, he no longer has any markings of the fight earlier today, every sign gone besides the way he's sitting, stiff, as if his muscles are sore.

"She has known our pack for generations, since Alpha Ephraim Black was alive. Since the treaty that allows her coven to live here in Forks was made, she's been an honorary member of our pack and our tribe. She's taught us shifters many things, she's been alive for almost seven centuries now and has been all over the world." He looks to Billy Black to continue.

"It has been prophesized that one day, a descendant of Ephraim Black will imprint on her, and so shall another shifter." Billy looks at me directly before continuing, "This descendant is my son, Jacob. It was deciphered that the shifters would be born on January 10th and January 14th in the year 1990. It is prophesized that she will plead with God to make both shifters immortal so they shall be with her for as long as she lives, and God will comply. She will become the eternal Luna of our pack as well as the Queen of all vampires. Our pack will be strong for eternity under her rule." There are scattered whispers and a few muttered questions in the pack link. Billy gives Harry the stage once again.

"Now, let us begin with what we know of the story of Ginevra Cullen..." He launches into a story, I noticed that he doesn't mention how she was made, only that she was the first vampire.

I wonder how she was created...

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