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Present Day- Forks, Washington


«I think I'm addicted

To the feeling of depression»


"I seriously have no idea how you manage to make smoothies this good." Emily says, sipping the smoothie that had been handed to her moments before. The girl grins in response, humming along with the lyrics that were playing through the speaker, City of Angels by Em Beihold floating around us, making the moment peaceful, or maybe it was her voice.

She sways slightly as she sings along with the song, her voice heavy with the emotions the singer is trying to convey, nobody can look away from her. Then her daughters both walked into the room, singing with her, their voices having the same effect as Ginny's. She looks up at them, smiling. She seems to radiate happiness.

She notices me staring once the song ends and smiles, sheepishly at me as she slides my smoothie across the island to me, a blue straw in the cup. I give her a small smile in return and pick it up, taking a sip.

"Damn, this is really good," I say, taking another drink, the smile she gives me beams, and I couldn't help but return it.

I glance around when she goes back to making smoothies and see Sam looking at me, a smirk on his face, I roll my eyes as I look away, annoyed he was right.

Jake POV:

"Hey...I need you to talk to Bella for me." My dad says, wheeling himself through my open bedroom door. I look up, confused. "I'll pay you twenty bucks. I just need you to tell her to break up with her boyfriend. I don't trust him, and she's more likely to listen to you than an old man like me."

"Dad, you want me to tell my friend to break up with her boyfriend?" I ask, giving him an unamused look, he sighs, imploring me with his eyes to do as he asked. I slump my shoulders after a moment.

"Fine, but you owe me twenty dollars, I'll do it the next time I'm able to see her," I tell him, he smiles at me, nodding before turning his wheelchair around and wheeling himself out of my room. I sigh, I just agreed to tell the girl that I like, to break up with her boyfriend. This'll probably ruin any and every chance I have with her.

Fuck me...

Ginny's POV: A few days later, the baseball field

Although I wasn't exactly interested in spending another second with Bella that wasn't completely necessary, I love baseball too much to give two shits about whether or not she would be there. I pull my baseball cap over my hair and run laps at human speed around the open field to warm up, waiting for Edward to show up with the human.

"Alright, let's get this game started!" I hear Emmett yell from his place over next to his Jeep. I smile as I run over to my family, plus one unwanted addition, Edward glances, unamused at me and I give him a big smile.

"Ginny, you bat first," Carlisle says, placing a hand on my shoulder, I pump my fist, I love batting first, it's always so much more fun to see them try and keep up. I flip my wooden bat around in the air like a baton for a couple of seconds before catching it and getting ready, nodding to Alice when I was ready.

The ball flies through the air with unprecedented speed, I make sure to look at only it as it zooms towards me, I swing the bat at exactly the perfect time, sending the ball home and taking off, Edward and Emmett need to sprint as fast as they can go to even have a chance at reaching the ball in time.

I made it home with ease, sending a smirk to Bella who replied with an eye roll, but I could see she was impressed. Whilst I wait for my next turn, half of me is watching the game, and the other half is trying to decipher the sudden feeling that had hit me when I reached home plate.

Alice yells for us to stop the second I'm able to figure out the feeling, something bad was about to happen. I stood in the huddle with my family, Alice, Edward and I filling our family in on what was about to happen.

"Take your hair down," Edward tells Bella, she complies quickly, and Rosalie scoffs.

"As if that's going to help, I can smell her across the field." She says, rolling her eyes. Then her eyes find me. "What about Ginny?" We all look at her, confused until she explains.

"She will smell like any other human to them, if Bella is going to be in danger, so will Ginny." I tilt my head at this, I'd never really thought about what I smelled I actually smell like a human?

"Yeah, pretty much. There's a little bit of an undertone that we can pick up on, that's what makes us not want to kill you...but I think that comes with familiarity. These people won't be able to smell it." Edward replies, reading my mind.

"I'll be fine, I can kill any one of them instantly," I say, rolling my eyes. Edward looks down at me, his eyebrows drawn together in concern.

"As long as they don't bite you." He whispers low enough for Bella to be unable to hear. I smile, only slightly worried.

"Well, we'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen then, huh?" I ask, not betraying the worry that was slowly growing inside my stomach, I glance at Jasper. Who, no doubt could feel this, I send him a smile and he returns it with a weaker one.

We stand, facing the direction that Alice points.

And we wait...

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