Welcome to the Vampire Club

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In which they turn...

I entered the garage that I'd turned into a makeshift bunker room for when they turn. I would need to help them acclimate and it wasn't a great idea to do so in an area they can easily escape. I had Carlisle lock the door behind us, the sound of the four deadbolts thumping into place was loud in the silence of the garage. I reach over and flip the switch to turn on some of the dimmer lights in the garage, giving the space an eerie glow.

"You guys ready?" I ask, needing to make sure once more that they wanted to do this, they both nod, the dim lighting creating spooky shadows on their faces. I turn to Luna and Stella, holding out my hands for the elixirs, they each hand their vial to me and I face Angela and Jessica again.

"You guys need to get onto those beds over there," I tell them, nodding to the two rather creepy hospital beds that had straps hanging from the sides, they glance warily at me. "Trust me, it's better if you're being held down, less self-inflicted injuries to deal with later."

"Here goes nothing," Angela says, leading the way to the beds and quickly hopping onto the left one. I hand her one vial and instruct her not to drink it until I say so. Before doing the same to Jessica.

"Don't worry guys, the pain will go away pretty quick...or at least I think it did," I say truthfully, allowing them to change their minds. The two girls exchange glances before both donning determined looks. "Go ahead and drink,"

They do so, laying back in their beds, the girls and I quickly move to fasten the restraints before they begin changing. We barely get done in time, the potion kicks in mere seconds after they drink it. They begin convulsing on their beds, screams tearing from their throats. And to think this is less pain than the usual transformation. They attempt to claw at themselves but their hands are restrained, their writhing making the beds tilt precariously, the girls and I rush forward to hold the beds down properly so the girls don't tip over. Their physical features begin to change and morph slightly, making them look slightly older and more mature, and as beautiful as goddesses.

It's about five minutes before the screams quiet to whimpers, three more after that before they become still once more, then a couple of moments until the whimpers quiet and it becomes silent in the garage once more. I wait a moment before removing my hands from the bed.

"...Jess...Ange?" I ask, cautiously, I see Angela's hand twitch at my voice, unsure of how they're going to act when they wake up, I don't move to take the restraints off.

"Angela..." I say, reaching and touching her arm, her eyes fly open and she makes a move to sit up, the restraints stopping her from doing so. Her eyes dart all around the room, her breathing erratic, when her eyes land on me, she calms slightly, relaxing into the bed but still keeping her head up, alert.

"G-Ginny," she asks, her eyes boring into mine. I smile at her, keeping my hand on her shoulder, I glance over and see Luna and Stella doing the same with Jessica, keeping a comforting hand on her shoulder to try and keep her as calm as possible.

"Do you think you can stand?" I Angela, knowing that she would physically, but whether she was ready to emotionally. She holds my gaze for a moment before nodding. I move away and begin unfastening her restraints, Luna and Stella doing the same for Jess once they get her confirmation.

Angela slowly sat up, looking around her in the dark, probably marveling at how much she could see now, it was almost as if the lights were on. Her eyes reach Jessica, who is now sitting with her legs hanging off her bed, facing Angela, and her jaw drops. Jessica looked much older and ridiculously beautiful. Not that she wasn't before.

"Wait until you see yourself," I tell her, excited to see her face when she looks in the mirror. I reach out and remove the glasses from my friend's face, she wouldn't be needing them now. She swings her legs off her bed and stands up, stretching herself out as if her muscles were sore.

"You're probably about ready for blood now, eh?" I ask, once she hears these words, it's obvious she realizes how thirsty she feels, she nods and rubs her neck. I make my way to the door of the garage, I knock once, twice, then three times as my signal that all is well and Carlisle can open the door. He does so, I'm only blinded for a half second by the sudden bright light, my eyes adjusting rapidly.

I step to the side so Carlisle can enter, he has two blood bags in each hand, he hands the bags to the girls, confirming their types, and instructs them to drink from the bags. Angela and Jessica have the blood gone in about five seconds, wasting no time in sating their thirst.

"Welcome to the Vampire Club, dipshits."

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