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In which they leave...

I sit on the couch, book in hand, ignoring the world around me. We'd just tried at hosting a birthday party for Bella for her eighteenth birthday and it was a complete disaster. Edward, being the dramatic dumbass that he is, decided that we were all going to leave Forks this instant to avoid anything else happening. Of course, he didn't think about anyone else when he made this "executive decision" I told him he was the dumbest motherfucker I'd ever met and that I would be damned if I was leaving, especially with Jessica's birthday just days away, I would be having two new sisters, and I would be with my children, and I would be here with my best friends, and Paul.

"You're not staying, we all need to leave." Edward comes in, yelling at me for the thoughts running through my head, of which he only heard that I wasn't leaving. All my other thoughts were blocked from him.

"I'm not leaving my children, or my friends, or my mates. You aren't the leader of this fucking coven, Edward. It would be in your best interest if you started fucking acted like it." I say, getting up off the couch and stepping up to him, he shrinks back from my anger. Knowing it wouldn't be a great idea to piss me off further.

"You can do whatever you want with your pathetic little existence, but don't try and tell me what the fuck to do with mine. I'm. Not. Fucking. Leaving." I growl out, he looks as if he's about to say something, but decides against it, clenching his jaw shut and turning on his heel, stalking out of the room. I huff out an annoyed breath before turning around and grabbing my book off the couch and heading up to my room.

I only had time to get to my room and change into more comfortable clothing before my family was gathered in the living room, everyone else having successfully packed their shit and gotten it into their respective cars. They were all ready to leave, but they wanted to say a quick goodbye first. I hugged Alice tightly, not letting go for a long time before moving onto Jasper, then Emmett, then Rosalie, then I hugged my parents for a very long time, Esme's eyes filled with tears she'd never be able to shed.

I didn't even glance in Edward's direction the whole time, moving past him in the line of people waiting to hug me. I say one last goodbye to my family who begin to file out the door, heading to their cars, I turn around, ready to head back to my room when a pair of arms wraps tightly around me from behind, Edward's scent enveloping me.

"I'm sorry, Ginny, I shouldn't have told you what to do, it's your choice." He says hugging me tighter, shoving his head into the crook of my neck.

"I'll be seeing you, Edmund." I can almost feel his smile as he squeezes me one more time before he disappears, the front door closes from behind me, and they are gone. I wasn't exactly sure how I was supposed to feel about that. I shrugged, knowing that we'd be reunited soon enough, I climbed the stairs, heading back up to my room to pass out on my bed.

A few days later:

Jessica's birthday is today, she packed her bags last night (with mine and Angela's help) and moved her shit to my house this morning. Angela was currently at her own house, packing her things. She told us that she didn't need help since she was in no rush. She would be turning eighteen in about a week so it didn't matter if she got moved in this instant and her parents didn't care.

I had been spending most of the day with Jessica, she was helping me create the elixir (as I'd decided to call it, the potion was just too witchy for my taste). She was surprisingly skilled at this, measuring out the exact amounts of what was needed and adding them to the beaker when I told her to.

We got the elixir done after a couple of hours and let it sit for a little while as we waited for Angela, Luna, and Stella to show up at my house. We listened to music and talked about the transformation as we waited. I made some food for the five of us when they finally arrived, Sam dropping the two girls off and Angela arriving not long later.

"It's just cold, when the transformation happens... it's cold, and kind of painful. It's like when you're freezing and someone hits you, and it hurts more because you're cold." They nod, looking like their worries are eased slightly.

"So are we going to be like bloodthirsty demons?" Angela asks, joking about the demons but worried about hurting someone. I chuckle as I take another bite of my food, chewing and swallowing before answering her.

"No, it will be much easier to control your bloodlust than normal vampires. Mostly because you can still get strength from normal food, but you will want to drink from people when you're injured or losing blood." I say, "Do you guys know your blood types?"

"Yeah, I'm A positive." Angela tells me, I nod and look over at Jessica.

"O positive." She says I nod again, sending Carlisle a text message, letting him know what types I'll need him to deliver. He quickly sent back a thumbs-up emoji.

"Carlisle will be over soon to give me the blood bags I'll need for you guys, I think we should finish eating and then get ready for the transformation." They nodded, I could tell Angela had one more question.

"Will we be beautiful?"

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