What's owed

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Present Day- Forks, Washington


«Does it ever get lonely,

Thinking you could live without me?»


That's what venom does to me, the first time he'd given it to me it hadn't hurt, it was the repeated dosage that set my nerves alight and caused me to need to feed in order to recycle my blood and rid myself of the toxins. Something about the overload of venom begins a reaction to my blood that may end up killing me. I've never let it get very far so I wouldn't know just what it's capable of.

Nobody with any potential to have bad intentions knows of this weakness of course, or, they don't remember it. I've taken great care in concealing this chink in my armor away from people who may use it against me, the Volturi included. I wasn't worried about the Volturi using it against me, I was worried of Aro using it, I couldn't tell his brothers because there was always the chance of him gleaning it from their memories.

"Okay, you're all set. As usual, you might feel a bit woozy for the first couple minutes but then you should be fine." He tells me, taking the needle out of my arm and placing a bandage over it.

"Thanks Dad." I say, grabbing the clothes he hands to me and leaving to take a shower. I let the hot water run over my stinging skin, places still being raw from where Sam had cut it open the music that was ringing throughout the bathroom changing to Falling by Trevor Daniel and Blackbear (this is the remix), I hum along with the music as the dirt and blood runs down the drain, feeling warm and drowsy as the music surrounds me in a cocoon of serenity. I finish my shower and pull on the comfy clothes that Carlisle had given me before walking out of the bathroom and collapsing into my bed, going to sleep in the middle of the day.

I end up waking up the next evening, I'd slept for over twelve hours, the setting sun that was visible through the large windows of my attic living area it momentarily mesmerizes me and I can't help but stare, it amazing that no matter how much changes, the sun still rises and sets every day. Then I hear the annoying, droning voice of Isabella Swan. I groan, rolling over and pulling the pillow over my ears like a child trying to drown out a particularly annoying alarm clock.

Unable to drown her out, I pull myself out of bed ten minutes later, stretching my overly sore muscles, hearing joints cracking, before lugging myself over to the trapdoor that will release the ladder that I will use to face my demons. Or, Edward's demon.

Could you shut her up? Her voice is like a mosquito in my ear. I think loudly enough for Edwin to hear, I hear him chuckle from the living room as I make my way down the stairs.

"What? What's funny?" Bella asks, confused as I drag myself into the living room and plop down on my stomach on the couch across from the one they were currently occupying. "Oh, hello Ginny." She says, I can feel her emotions enough to know that she's straining to keep her voice civil and polite.

"Isabelle." I reply as if I couldn't remember her name. crossing my arms under my face and closing my eyes, trying for a slightly peaceful moment, I hear her scoff under her breath. "Edwin...be a doll and grab me some coffee please?"

"Sure thing Gin." He says, not minding me giving him a task. He stands from the couch and leaves the room.

"You shouldn't order your siblings around like that." She says, crossing her arms and legs and giving me a disapproving look. I roll my eyes, looking at her.

"I said please." I respond, closing my eyes again. I hear her breathe in, about to say something else, I cut her off. "What's your problem Becky? Why do you have to be such a bitch all the time?" I ask, tired of her bullshit attitude.

"I am not a bitch." She replies, I laugh quietly, shaking my head. "I have a problem with you always thinking you're better than everyone." She says, I'm about to respond when Esme walks into the room.

"That's because she is. She's the reason any of us are here, every vampire owes her their existence." Esme tells Bella, the girl raises a brow, disbelieving. I roll my eyes, Esme goes to continue but I place a hand on her arm.

"There's no point Mom. She's never going to believe you. She'll just have to come to terms with it herself." I tell her, Edward comes back into the room with my coffee, handing it to me, I smile brightly at him. "Thank you, Edwardo. You truly are the best." He smiles, softly before ruffling my hair and turning to Bella.

"Ready to go home?"

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