Into The Abyss

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Present Day- Forks, Washington

"Hey, Jacob, what the hell?" Bella says, standing in front of him, probably wondering why he's gone starry-eyed all of a sudden. I wondered if I should leave and allow him to explain the situation to her. I figured my presence might make the situation worse when she finds out.

"Oh, sorry I distracted." He says slowly, shifting his eyes between Bella and me multiple times.

"Uh-huh," she says, disbelieving, "Well, do you want to continue working on the bike now since we can hang out again?" She continued, seemingly wanting to remove me from the conversation. I was about to cut my losses and leave so I could talk to him alone later when he replied.

"No, uh-actually I have something that I just realized I need to do, maybe tomorrow or something?" I couldn't see Bella's face as she was standing facing him, but I saw her posture turn rigid and icy when he rejected her request.

"Yeah, fine, whatever." She replies before leaving, glaring at me on her way out. But surprisingly doing nothing else. I heard her beat-up truck start and pull out a few moments later and Jacob and I stood for a bit in slightly awkward silence.

"So," I start, not really knowing where I should go with this conversation, "How's it going?" I could slap myself. Why the hell was I acting like a fucking pansy right now. This conversation shouldn't be hard.

"Did you know that you would be my imprint?" he doesn't say it as an accusation, more like he was curious.

"Yes, I did...I've known since long before you were even born." He frowns but doesn't seem disturbed by this. He doesn't even flinch about the fact his future was chosen before he was even thought of, I know I wouldn't've reacted similarly, I would've been furious about this. Why wasn't he?

"You don't seem to have a problem with that." He looks up at me, confused.

"With what?"

"You didn't have a choice, you never did, this was decided for you before you even existed. Doesn't that anger you?" I tried not to sound as if I didn't like that he was chosen for me. I was extremely pleased that at least one of my mates seemed to have a heart.

"Well, let's just say that the elders could've done way worse with their choice of mate." I silently thanked God that I wasn't human because my face would've shared many similarities with a tomato after he said this.

I looked away from him, attempting to hide the smile that rose to my face without my consent. He grinned cheekily at me and stepped closer to me so there was barely a foot between us. I looked up at him, wondering what exactly he was going to do next and hoping my surprisingly fast heartbeat couldn't be heard by him.

"I mean it, I'm really glad that it's you." He grabbed my hand, I felt a small jolt of electricity flow through me when he did this and was ready to brush it off as the cliché thing people in books always talk about when my head began to feel light and I started to feel dizzy. I stumbled backward a step before everything around me went black and I felt myself fall backwards.

Into the abyss...

Panic Room... (Paul x OC x Jacob)Where stories live. Discover now