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Present Day- Forks, Washington

"So, how do you like," I ask, standing in front of the mirror with Angela and Jessica, there are tears in Angela's eyes. I know she's always been a bit insecure about her appearance, but I'm glad I could make her happy. "This is just how you would look when you get older Ange, your body would've made you look like this normally, this is just with a couple of tweaks, your skin is paler, more porcelain-like." She nods, turning to give me a big hug, I slowly rub her back as she nearly crushes me, not used to her new-found strength.

"Thank you so much, Gin-Gin." The mumbles into my neck, continuing to keep me in her tight grip, I smile softly, just glad she's happy with how she looks.

"Yeah, thank you, Ginny, I'm so glad you wanted to bring us into your family, I don't think I could've lived without my best friends," Jessica says, joining the hug, squeezing much softer than Angela, we stay like this for a while before breaking apart, each of us simply enjoying the moment of peace.

"So, you decided to turn them?" Paul asks as we walk along the beach, not holding hands but walking close enough that our shoulders brush against each other when we lean too far. I notice something between disapproval and acceptance in his voice, I try not to feel hurt.

"Yes, don't sound so disproving, they chose this." I feel him take a step slightly away, his way of saying that he was annoyed at what I'd said.

"No, they chose you. They didn't want to lose you, so they threw everything away." He says, stopping and turning to face me, clearly not happy with the situation.

"Listen, think about it however you want, Paul. The point is, I gave them a choice, they chose how they did of their own free will. I didn't ask for their reasons, so it doesn't matter. Not like they had much to throw away anyways." I say, he rolls his eyes, I fought the urge to ask him if that was his way of searching his brain for a reply. Or something about looking for a brain.

"They still threw away their lives for you!" He tells me, gesturing angrily as he says this. I cross my arms, severely pissed off at this point.

"They didn't have much for lives, their families were different degrees of shit, so fuck right the hell off. You don't know shit. At least they had a choice. Drop the subject." He goes to say something else, but I cut him off, my tone warning. "Paul...drop it." He shuts his mouth, clenching his jaw, and turning away, he begins walking away the way we'd come, not looking back as he makes his way back to the woods, shifting and running off once he reaches them. I sigh and sit down, drawing my knees up to my chest and watching the water.

Jacob P.O.V

I was walking along the beach with Bella, talking to her, when she stopped suddenly. I look over at her, confused, she's staring at something ahead of us, her face has gone white and she stands frozen. I turn to look in the direction she's staring and see a very beautiful girl arguing with one of Sam's newest cronies, I think his name is Paul. She says something to him, clearly pissed and he shrinks back before turning away and walking off. The girl stares after him for a while until he reaches the woods and disappears from view, then the girl sits down in the sand, pulling her knees up to her chest and watching the waves, a faraway look on her goddess-like face.

I can't help but feel horrible for the girl, I didn't even know her, but I almost felt connected to her.

"Do you know her or something?" I ask Bella, she snaps out of her daze and shifts her eyes to me, the color returning to her face slightly. Her eyes shift back and forth between me and the girl for a moment before she replies.

"No," her tone and body language screaming that she was lying, "Let's head out, my dad will probably want me back home soon."

We do just that, as we walk away, I glance behind me and see the girl already staring at me. With a start, I noticed her eyes were two different colors. Her face held a look that mixed misery and curiosity. I wasn't sure how to react when our eyes met, my steps faltered slightly and Bella noticed, she said my name and I glanced over at her. We continued walking and when I looked back, the girl was gone, she'd disappeared as if she'd never existed there, the only sign that she'd been there was a phone that she must've forgotten.

"I'll be right back,"

Panic Room... (Paul x OC x Jacob)Where stories live. Discover now