Chapter |18| Reed

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— "Stretch before you start running" coach Boelli shouts at us from outside the field without looking up from his strategy board. "And I don't to see you walking, you slow pussys. My grandmother is faster than all of you together".

Then he turns around, leaving us to do the pre-training he ordered, and starts talking to the training assistant coach, a 1st year boy who looks like he's about to pee his pants when coach starts talking to him.

I can't help but laugh at his state. Poor guy.

— "They couldn't even pay me to be Coach's assistant" Jax exclaims, standing at my side.

— "You have to be desperate" Alex steps in "Or want to be yelled at all day."

— "Poor kid" Jax rolls his eyes and then turns towards our teammates "Aiden Wilson should take his place. Oh how I would love to see him piss himself. That'd be amazing".

I roll my eyes.

— "Why the hell don't you like him?" my blind best friend, Alex, asks "He's a good addition to the team".

Only a blind man wouldn't notice Jaxon jealousy over the guy who hooks up with the girl he 'hates'.

Jax turns to us with a slight tense jaw, and when he sees the grin I have on my face he gives me the middle finger.

I chuckle.

— "Already told you, he's a delay for the team. And I don't like him being around my sister. I don't like how he looks at her. All...affectively. Seems fake".

My grin vanishes at his words.

— "How does he look at her?". I don't know why the hell I ask.

At his comment I stopped smiling. "How?" I don't know why the hell I ask.

I haven't noticed how Aiden looks at Kennedy, but am sure as hell going to start paying close attention. Though I've seen how she looks at him, and its not in a romantic affective way, only friendship kind of love towards him.

— "Chill" Alex nudges him "He's interested in Keila from what I saw and Brooke told me. You have nothing to worry about".

Oh lord.

I have to contain myself and not burst out laugh at Jax's serious face and clenched fists.

— "How did it go with Kens and her statics class last week?" Jax asks me, clearly changing topics.

— "She did good. Don't know how's been the exam though, haven't seen her".

She hasn't texted me telling me how she's done. But I know she passed.

— "I fucking hated Statics in high school, always failed it. Mom didn't know either so she couldn't explain it to me. The only one who helped me pass that class was Cruella. That's ironic" Jax laughs a little.

So Keila does know statics. I wonder why she didn't helped Kennedy.

— "She didn't stick a pencil in your hand when you came up with the wrong answer?" Alex asks and we three burst out laughing at his comment.

— "Now that you mention it, I remember at one point she threw a book at my face...and broke my nose".

— "I really like that girl" Alex adds.

I don't comment anything, since I can't finish to warm up to the blonde girl.

— "She's...particular" Jax smiles a little.

— "Hey guys" Noah, one of our teammates, approaches us. "Tonight at Liam's house. Already got booze and the hottest chicks on campus are coming. You in?".

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