Chapter |27| Reed

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— "I'm not going to repeat myself, Reed" my father's dry and firm voice says on the other end of the line.

I grit my teeth and clench my fists.

— "It's the most important game that will define your future" as if I don't already know "You better show off, and train hard these two days".

— "I know, father. I've been training hard all year for this. I'm not going to fuck it up".

— "You better prove it, kid. Your mother and I will be flying to Boston at night. And after the game we'll go to dinner".

— "See you then" is my only answer.

And hearing my father's angry growl because he hates to be dismissed, much more by me, I end the call. I'm not in the mood for a peep talk.

I turn off my phone, throw it on top of my bag without care, and then jog back to my teammates who are stretching pre-training.

— "Everything okay?" Alex asks me as I stop next to him and start stretching myself.

— "Same old shit. Nothing I don't know o intend to do to achieve" I say dryly, pissed off by my father's stupid call.

In three days we have the most important game of our life where the sponsors will be, and our future will be decided by the leagues we get into.

I've been preparing for this day my entire life. And I plan on showing the fuck off, so I secure my future.

Nothing is going to fuck it up. I won't let it.

— "What about your father? He called you?" I ask my friend as I stretch my quads.

— "Yeah. Yelling all the time about how if I don't get into the Chicago league or one of the same level, he's going to take my 'trust found'" Alex rolls his eyes and I chuckle "He still doesn't get that I don't rely on him and make my own money. I think that's what pisses him off the most".

— "Father's thoughts are the same. The fucker, with respect, still thinks I depend on his credit care which I haven't used since I was 17. Like they don't pay me for just existing" I say proudly for having achieved everything by myself.

— "Brooke was mad at him about that" my friend tells me something I didn't know.

Brooke and Raelynn, both of them have a good relationship with our father. Or well, when he's not working all day and gives them his attention.

Which is why I'm surprised Brooke is mad at him. The only time she does it's when he pressures me. And that's never directly towards him, she just complains to me that he sometimes can be a son-of-a-bitch.

— "He called administration asking for a request of her grades card so far this year" Alex explains "And Brooke's doing 'poorly' in pre-med II. Poorly for your father being a B-. So he threatened to cut off her card, and well we know how much Brooke loves shopping".

That's right. Brooke cannot live without her credit card.

Later I'm giving my father a call. Because it irritates me that he takes it out on Brooke for a 'bad' grade while she's been breaking her ass off to pass her classes.

— "Before we start" Bocelli shouts interrupting my train of thoughts "Where the hell is Smith?".

I look around for Jax, but surely, he's not here. Rare, since he never misses training.

— "He was not feeling well coach" Alex apparently knows the reason for out friend's disappearance "He's coming tomorrow".

— "Un-fucking-believable" coach grunts "I'm kicking his ass tomorrow. But right now, start lapping around the field. If I see anyone walking, I'm throwing a container of frozen water on them."

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