Reed's pov.
I glance at Kennedy – shoulders hunch slightly and arms rubbing up and down her arms trying to warm her visible crawled skin – as we make our way through the throng of people.
I smirk, and shake my head. "You're cold, aren't you?".
She looks at me, stopping her scan from the posters and signs hung up all over the place.
— "Of course I'm not" she bites her lower lip and tries to hide the smile that's slowly forming on her lips.
I shake my head. I knew this was gonna happen as soon as we left the house. I told her to wear a jacket because it's almost winter, but she denied saying she was going to be okay in just her jeans and little flowery summer top. Of course, now that we're here and the ac is at 68 f by how suffocating this place is, she's freezing.
I stop walking, Kennedy doing the same by my side, and take off my hoodie.
— "Come here," I grab her waist, and bring her closer to me. "Put it on".
She denies. "Nope. Not doing that. I don't want you to catch a cold".
Always so stubborn. "I'm not cold. In fact, I'm starting to get all sweaty by how loud and pushing everyone in here is. They're starting to annoy me".
Don't get me wrong. I enjoy concerts. And this one is probably the one I've been most excited about. Not just because it was Kennedy's gift for my birthday coming to see our favorite band tonight – Chase Atlantic – but also because we're here together, and I love spending time with her. But the people...that I can't stand.
Kennedy chuckles and caresses my cheek. "Oh, you grumpy man. They're just excited about seeing the band. I really hope you relax a little, because it's going to get worse inside. And I'm sorry to inform you I'm also going to sing".
— "I don't mind it from you," I assure. I don't mind anything about her. "Now, put on the hoodie. I'm not going to say 'I told you', because you look beautiful, but I'm not negotiating because you're shivering".
She blushes, and slowly and nervously nods. I help her put on the hoodie – which looks pathetically big and reaches her mid tight. I push a chunk of her that fell on her face behind her ear and stroke her cheek softly.
She gives me a small smile. "Thanks. And I'm sorry. You were right. I was getting cold. Should've brought some coat".
I hug her by the shoulders and kiss her head. "It's okay, sweetheart".
She snuggles closer to me, both of us forgetting about the crowd around us for a moment. Then Kennedy breaks apart from my hug, and signals to a line of crazy fans buying merchandise from a booth some feet away.
— "Merch Booth," she says excitedly, and doesn't wait for me to say anything before taking my hand and dragging me towards it. "Come, Reed".
I don't complain and let her guide me wherever she wants. As I always do.
I'm beyond whipped by my girl. Have been for over six years, and I proudly and happily admit it.
We stop by the line, Kennedy trying to look over ahead to what items they're selling. I catch some girls, not that much younger than me from what they look, whispering in between them while giggling and stealing obvious looks my way.
I sigh, hoping they're the kind that just looks and not approaches you. The 'recognition', as I like to call it – Kennedy says it's fame though – that came upon starting to play in the league has been something hard to get accustomed to. Everyone that knows me would think I love it and raises my ego. Something that would have happened at another time in my life, but not now.

"Everything I Never Told You"
Romance[UNEDITED FIRST DRAFT] - WILL BE EDITING LATER! 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐲 𝐒𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐡; a girl with a broken soul who wants to die. How long can she pretend to forget the worst night of her life?. How long can she evade the negative thoughts inside her head th...