Chapter |26| Kennedy

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As soon as the alarm goes at 5am I turn it off.

I unwrap my arms and legs from around Reed's body, slowly so as not to wake him, and get out of bed.

I don't bother changing my pajamas, but I do put on a hoodie, so I don't catch a cold outside.

I wash my face, brush my teeth, take my pills, put on some socks, my slippers and take my sketchbook from inside my bag.

— "Hey..." a raspy, sleepy voice calls me, interrupting my walk toward the door. "Where are you going?".

— "Um..." I stay quiet for a moment, immersed in how Reed looks just awake. His tousled hair and soft slanted eyes give him an aura of tranquility and tenderness.

He looks cute...and sexy.

But let's not tell him I thought he was cute because he'll immediately go into grumpy mode.

I can't help but giggle at the mental image of his angry face.

— "Kenny" he says my name again, no, my nickname.

This is the first time he called me that. For him it's always Kennedy or sweetheart.

And even though Kenny is the nickname that everyone calls me and I'm more than used to it, I like it better when those words come from his lips.

— "I'm you want me to show you something?".

Watching the sunrise is something I do alone because it gives me peace. The same with the sunset, these are times when my head goes quiet, and I can just exist without worries.

I generally use those moments to get inspiration to draw, that's why I always carry my notebook with me and more than once I have drawn the beautiful landscapes and changing colors of the sky. Or well, I have tried to project as best as possible because I'm not a professional at it.

But now, again, I feel like sharing another part of myself with Reed. I want him to know another part of me, a good one.

— "Now?" He asks me, rubbing his eyes and slowly getting up, leaning on the back of the bed.

I nod.

— "Okay. Just give me a sec and I'll brush my teeth and we can go" he gets out of bed and enters the bathroom.

He brushes his teeth with an extra toothbrush that Keila left in the bathroom and splashes some water on his face. He doesn't bother brushing his messy hair.

He exists the bathroom and puts on his slippers.

— "Ready?" I ask and he nods.

We leave the room and I begin to guide him through the hallways of Keila's house, knowing where to go until we reach the stairs that lead to the terrace of the house.

When we enter it, dawn slowly begins to appear on the horizon.

Reed looks at me a little confused, not understanding what we are doing here. I just smile and start walking towards the couches that Keila and I put together when we were kids to be comfortable when we came here.

Reed doesn't say anything, just follows me and when I sit in one of the chairs, I think he's going to do the same and sit in the one next to me, but he sits in the same on by my side.

He wraps me in his arms.

The armchairs are large, so we both fit comfortably.

But I prefer to be like this, in his arms and this close to his bod. Also because I'm cold.

— "Since I was a girl and came to sleep at Keila's, I would wake her up in the early morning to come see the sunrise. Or the sunset. They're the two moments of the day that I like the most" I start opening up to him naturally. "At first it bothered her that I woke her up so early, you don't know how much Keila appreciates her hours of sleep, but when she saw how beautiful the landscape is she asked Slone to buy some armchairs so that every time we came here in the mornings we could be comfortable.

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