42 ● Jesper ● 10.06.2023

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June 10th, 2023

Jesper, New York

I was honestly shocked when Yohan told me about this thing with Scott. Like I seriously never would have expected that someone would accuse me of sexually harassing them. Me. When I had a trauma of my own, and I would never, never fucking do that to someone, because I know how awful that is. I've been through that.

Maybe the mistake was never telling Scott about my past relationships, maybe then he would understand and he wouldn't come up with such a lie. I wondered why he even did that. What the fuck did he want? What would that help him? Did he hate me so much simply by ignoring him? I didn't understand at all, but I really wanted to, so I decided to confront him.

It didn't take long to find him, I bumped into him literally when I left Yohan's office. It seemed like he was surprised to see me, maybe even a bit alarmed, but then when he realized that it was actually me, he looked pissed. "I shouldn't talk to you. I don't know if you've heard, but-" He started, but I immediately cut him off.

"Are you fucking insane, Scott?" I said harshly. I may have been hurt, but I was mad as hell as well. "I never did anything that you didn't want me to. What's with the lawsuit? You don't make enough money? Please, tell me what's your deal, I'd love to know."

"You want to know what my deal is?" Scott snorted, turning away from me, but I was quick to stop him, and when I did, he glared at me and pulled away. "I saw you with him, you know. You told me you'll call me when you're ready, because you needed some time to think. And I was sure you'd call, Jesper. But you didn't. Instead, I saw you making out with the chief once. And then another time, and another. Now who doesn't make enough money, huh? You seriously left me because you started sleeping with the chief? That's low, even for you," he said, shaking his head in disappointment.

And okay. Wow. Now I was mad. Who the hell does he think he is? It's not like he knows me at all, not like he knows what's happening in my life, what's happening with Yohan. How fucking dare he talk about me like that?

"You're a real dick, Scott," I stated, glaring at him. "I stopped calling you, because I got together with the guy I've been in love with for more than half my life. I'm not sleeping with the chief because I'm desperate. Yohan and I are together. We were together in high school and we reconciled a while ago. Not that it's any of your business. I know I acted like an idiot, I kept you waiting, but I truly wanted to call you when I was ready to talk. You didn't have to file a fucking sexual harassment suit against me, just because you were jealous that I was kissing someone else. And for your information, I'm an actual victim of sexual abuse, so I'd fucking appreciate if you'd go to the board and withdraw you accusations, because I don't appreciate people calling me something that I'm not."

It seemed like hearing that immediately changed his view about me, because his eyes widened in shock. "You're a v- What? Are you serious? Why didn't you tell me before?" He asked, looking worried.

"I didn't think it was necessary. After all, we knew from the beginning that we weren't going to last long, right? It was just some fun, fun we both agreed on," I spoke, giving him a harsh look.

"I'm so sorry Jesper, I didn't- Shit. I didn't know. I didn't want to make you feel so-" He started rambling, it seemed like he was actually apologizing, but I didn't really care about it now.

"Save it," I cut him off. "I don't want your apology. I don't need it. What I need you to do is go and clear things with the board. I'm many things, but I'm not a fucking abuser. And if I were you, I'd transfer to another hospital, because you don't have a good opinion here anyway, and after people hear about you wrongly accusing a doctor about harassment, then they're going to resent you even more, probably as much as I do now."

I didn't want to talk to him more. I said what I was going to say and that was it. I was really surprised though, that he did this out of pure jealousy. That was fucking stupid. He could have talked to me, he didn't have to do something this drastic. It was a dick move, something unforgivable. I never wanted to see him again, I was pissed as fuck. That's why I proposed that he should transfer and I hoped that he'll really fucking do that.

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