Chapter 5: On my own, here we go...

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Billie Joe woke up, his eyes adjusting to the light slowly. He groaned, moving his head and feeling something hard supporting his whole body. He groaned again and felt behind him, feeling something smooth and hard. He opened his eyes and realised he was in the bathroom, in the bath to be specific. He rubbed his eyes and tried to stand up, feeling a shooting pain in his neck and a migraine developing. He balanced himself and stepped out the bath, going to the mirror. His eye liner was smudged even more than usual, his hair sticking up more than it normally did. He sighed and messed his hair up. He felt like he was in a funk, like he couldn't shake it off. He checked his phone and let out a frustrated yell when he saw that Mike and Tré were coming around in 10 minuets. He rubbed his temples from the pain that exploded in his head when he yelled, and sat on the bathroom floor, no longer feeling able to stand. He rested his head against the bath, willing the pain in his neck/head/hand/everywhere to go away. It didn't. He felt like crying for no reason. He couldn't even remember what he did last night. He knew it wasn't drugs or alcohol, as Mike and Tré kept a close eye on that, and he hadn't left the house, he knew that. The doot clicked open and he could hear Mike and Tré chatting casually. 

"Beej?" Mike called. Billie make an attempt to reply but no sound came out. "BJ?" He still couldn't bring himself to reply, and he was shaking. Did it get really cold? "Billie?" Mike's voice sounded concerened now. It was gone 12pm, Billie should be up. He heard them check the bedroom, and every other room. "Billie Joe?" Uh oh, the whole name was being used. Mike was serious. Billie attempted to speak, but still no words came out. He heard Mike and Tré talking worridly, and made one last attempt. It came out as a kind of moan/groan, but it was obviously loud enough, as he heard "Billie?" And the bathroom door was open. And in walked Tré and Mike, their worried expressions turning to concern when they saw what state he was in.

"Have you been drinking?" Tré asked. Billie shook his head. "Drugs?" Another shake. "So you just feel like shit then?" Billie nodded and Mike attempted to stand him with the help of Tré, but suddenly when he was almost upright, Billie saw his vision go blurry and then he blacked out.

*Mike P.O.V*

Tré and I decided to attempt to make Billie stand. We pulled him up and he looked distant. 

"Billie? You okay?" He looked at me, but his eyes still had a distant look. Suddenly, he collapsed. Tré caught him just in time, otherwise he would have cracked his head on the floor. I told Tré my plan, and he held Billie as I ran a bath on the coldest it would go, and went to get ice. I tipped it in the bath and we started on our plan.

*Billie P.O.V*

I woke up in someones arms. Tré's. I tried to focus, but I couldn't. I was being moved, and suddenly my head was under water. Cold fucking water, filled with ice. My brain woke up and I struggled. Were they trying to fucking drown me? Just when I thought they seriously were, they pulled me up out of the water and I opened my eyes, startled. I coughed and spluttered, my hair flattened on my face. 

"The fuck was that for?!" I demanded, and Mike nodded to Tré. 

"It worked, then." He said, and he wrapped me in a towel. I was shivering, obviously.

"We got you out of your funk thing. You blacked out." Tré told me.

"Oh..." I said, not sure what else to say, really. 

I suddenly had become aware how awesome my best friends were.

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