Chapter 37: Okay Mikey

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When I got up to go to the bathroom, I heard the faintest tap on the door. I frowned, padding across the apartment to the door, swinging it open.

I hate this fucking apartment, when we moved in the walls were full of holes and the flooring was so cheap.

It was all Adrienne and I could afford, and we definitely worked our magic. Paintings now covered the holes, the flooring now covered up with some fluffy rugs Adrienne found going cheap.

Outside was worse, the front yard was more like a fucking forest and the door was all kicked in, so we'd fixed the door, at least.

Presently, a certain Mike Dirnt was standing at my door. His face was all red and puffy and he was soaking wet, obviously walking here in the rain.

I pulled him into the cosy apartment, wrapping my arms around him securely and holding him close.

"It's alright, I'm here." I rubbed circles on his back as he sniffed before talking his jacket off and hanging it up. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around him before heading upstairs to my room. I grabbed some clothes and went back to Mike, pulling his wet shirt off and drying his chest. I pulled his pants and underwear down, drying him off before helping him into new underwear and sweatpants.

There is not a single part of Mike's body that I have not seen. Fact.

I grabbed the blanket and dried his hair off before retrieving a new one and wrapping it around him. He coughed for a while and then sneezed.

"Bless you." I smiled, and he nodded.

Mike has the cutest sneezes, they're so high pitched and kind of sound like an angry mouse.

I sat on the couch with him and he lay down, his head in my lap. I pulled the blankets up around him and started stroking his hair.

Whenever I was sad, this position always swapped. Mike and I were always here for each other.

I kissed his forehead softly before frowning. "You're quite warm."

He nodded and kept his eyes closed. "I wasn't feeling too great before I probably gave myself pneumonia, anyway."

I smiled a little and poked a space between his ribs. "Drama queen."

He half smiled before pulling the blankets up more and falling asleep. I watched him for a while before putting my head back against the couch and falling asleep also.


I woke up to Mike coughing, sitting himself up. I rubbed his back and watched as Adrienne came downstairs.

"Oh dear. Good morning to you too." She messed his hair up and went to the kitchen, coming back with some medicine. Mike took it, which surprised me. "Have another sleep, and I'll check on you in a while." She helped him up and to the other couch. My lap suddenly felt extremely empty.

Mike fell asleep very quickly, and Adrienne set about making soup for him. I watched her from the couch. "Does Billie get someeee?" I sang, and she laughed.

"If he wants someee."

I laughed too, turning the old tv on to some stupid channel and watching it.

By the time Adrienne was done, Mike was awake. We all ate together, and she took his temperature. "That's pretty high. Wait here."

Dude. My wife is acting like Mike's girlfriend.

I glared at Mike and he shrugged. "I didn't make her do anything."

I took my sock off, rolling it up into a ball and pelting him in the face with it.

He laughed and ran over, tacking me on the floor and straddling me.

I paused, looking up into his eyes.

For a while, he looked right back at me. And then he started to tickle my exposed foot. I screamed and tried to get him off, almost crying in laughter.

"SURRENDER TO MIKE THE GREAT." He yelled, and I snorted.

"Neverrr!" He folded his arms.

"Then Mike the Great will have to make you."

I started screaming again, not wanting any more tickles.

But suddenly, he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.

I froze, keeping my head as still as I could.

What the fuck fucking fuck fuck?!

What is happening oh my god.

He is kissing me. Mike. Is. Kissing. Me.

He pulled away slowly, letting his eyes flutter open as he looked me over. I gulped, and suddenly he looked alarmed.

"F-Fuck! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry." He grabbed his shoes and ran out as I sat up, rubbing my face.

I have a feeling this isn't going to be fun.

*A/N* OMFG PLOT TWIST. I'm not sure about this, so comments of your opinions are really needed if this is going to work out like you guys want! Thank you in advance.

- Soph XX

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