Chapter 22: A Creation Of Satan

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*Billie POV*

I opened my eyes. They felt heavy. I blinked hard and tried to focus them, but a blinding pain spread across my eyes and I groaned and buried my head in my pillow. Mike walked in and saw me.

"Morning sunshine." He laughed. When I didn't respond, he turned me over and felt my forehead, sporting a worried expression. "Beej, you're really burning up." He said, and I nodded.

"I feel like shit," I said, and he 'Dirnted' off to the kitchen. I use Dirnted when he does that weird walk thing he does. He came back with the medicine I'd gave him a while ago. He offered me it and I shook my head no. "Billie please." He said, looking at me with those damn blue eyes.

"Nooooo." I whined, and he sighed and sat down again.

When I woke up again, it was from a knock on the door. My mouth tasted suspiciously like medicine. I glared at Mike, and he smiled innocently. Then he got up to answer the door. A heard a females voice.

Ugh, Anna. I don't have the patience.

But I felt a cool hand on my head, which was a nice break from the burning sensation. Even if it was Anna. I opened my eyes and nearly shit myself when I saw Adrienne in front of me.

"What... What... Are you doing here?" I asked.

"I heard you're not feeling so great. And I have two weeks before I'm working again. So I thought I'd come make you feel better. She moved her hand off my head to fix my blanket and I whined and put her hand back.

"Your hands cold and I like it." I said, and she giggled.

"Easy there Beej. Don't get sexual." Mike joked, before going to the kitchen to get some water like Adrienne requested. I chuckled, but stopped because my throat hurt.

I must have fell asleep again, because when I woke up, I my head was resting on Adrienne's chest as she smoothed her fingers through my hair. I sighed happily and burrowed my head into the crook of her neck. I opened my eyes and saw Mike was asleep on Anna too. I think it tired Mike out, looking after me. Anna grinned at me, and Adrienne must have guessed I was awake as she leant close to my ear and whispered to me.

"How you feeling?" She asked.

"A bit better," I replied.

"Good. I want to spend some time with you before I go back home." She said. I nodded and after a while I fell asleep again.

Once again I was woken up by a loud thud. My eyes snapped open as I listened. A second after the loud thud, the was a yelp of pain. And it was Mike's voice. The girls were both asleep, so I dragged myself out of bed to go find him. I found him in the bathroom, and he had a draw on his foot. Those draws are heavy, if you pull them out too far they come out though, which was obviously what had happened to Mike, and trapped his ankle. I ran towards him and moved the drawer, putting it back in it's place as Mike sat down and clutched his foot, obviously trying not to cry.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." He kept repeating.

"So you're okay then." I said, and he looked up.

"I'm deadly serious, this really hurts." He whined, and I nodded. "Wait right there." I said, and he pulled a are-you-kidding-me-face and I hopped out of the room and woke up Anna. She rubbed her eyes and sat up.

"Mike's hurt." I said, and her eyes widened.

"How?!" She asked.

"He dropped a draw on his foot-slash-ankle. I can't tell where he hurt because he won't let me near it." I said, and she followed me to Mike.

"What happened baby?" She asked, and he pointed to the draw.

"It's a creation of Satan." He said, and she knelt next to him.

"I'm going to touch it, and tell me if it hurts, okay?" She asked.

"That's what she said." I said, only receiving a glare from both of them. Anna gently prised Mike's hands off his foot and touched his ankle, there was no reaction. She moved her way up down his foot, slowly going towards his toes. There was still no reaction.

Until she pressed down on his big toe.

"AHHH!" He screamed and she apologised and kissed his head. He continued to moan in pain and she sighed.

"I think we should go get it checked out." She said.

"No. I hate hospitals. I'm staying here. I'll put some ice on it." He said. We helped him up and to the livingroom, and then he sat with his head on Anna's lap, foot wrapped in an ice pack, whimpering every now and then. I cuddled up to Adrienne and fell asleep.

I hope his toe isn't broken, because Mike Dirnt and hospitals do NOT mix.

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