Chapter 19: I Think I Love Her

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I couldn't get her out of my head. She was there, smiling, laughing, her eyes that I loved twinkling as she made did that perfect giggle. But she was gone. We had promised to keep in touch at least, but the calls had spread out and eventually stopped all together.

I was dating another girl, but I really didn't give a fuck about her. I wouldn't sleep with her. I miss Adrienne too much. So she sleeps with guys, and a lot of them.

I don't care. She mat be a slut but she's kind of a distraction.

In lighter news, we're planning a tour. Mike and Tré are really excited.

At least they are friends too. Even though I know Mike still likes Anna a whole lot. They're away right now, discussing tour locations.

I said I had a sore stomach so I'm staying here. I wasn't lying. Everything hurts. But it doesn't matter, because missing Adrienne hurts more.

But I won't admit that I'm in love.


I'm not.

Suddenly Mike and Tré burst in. I hid under the blanket because I knew what was coming.

"BILLIEEEEEEEEEEEE." Tré yelled, and he jumped on the bed, like a four year old.

"Fuck off Tré. I'm sleeping." I muttered. Tré seemed confused.

"No you're not. I'm talking to you." He said. I sighed and heard Mike speak up.

"Tré c'mon. Leave him alone." He said.

"Nooooo. He's my man friend. I want him awake." Tré said.

"Let him sleep Tré. Lets watch tv or something." Mike said.


"Tré." Mike's stern voice said.

"Michael." Tré replied in the exact same tone. I stiffled a laugh and heard Mike try to pull Tré up.

He wasn't budging.

"Tré move your ass." Mike said.

"Make me bitch." Tré replied. I heard Mike desperately trying to force Tré up.

Jesus fucking Christ, Tré just watch the TV with Mike. Of course he wasn't going to. Suddenly I heard a huge thump, followed by an 'Ow.' I opened one eye and saw nothing. I rolled over on my side and saw Mike on his back on the floor, Tré on top of him. I raised my eye brow and they stood up.

"Guess what Beej." Tré said.

"What." I said, sighing.

"We're touring in Minnesota." Mike said, and my heart skipped a beat.

Minnesota. Adrienne.


Tré said he wanted to 'make noise' so he left, and Mike sat on the bed next to me, offering me a sad smile. This Anna thing was really getting him down. He sighed and I decided to speak up.

"You've really fell for her haven't you." I spoke into the silence. It wasn't a question but more of a statement of what I already knew. He nodded and sighed again. "Tré might let it slide. You should tell her how you feel. I'm sure Tré would step back when he realised how you really feel Mike." I said, and he thought for a while.

"Okay. I'll tell her how I feel." He said, nodding.

"Holy shit. Really?" I said, and he nodded slowly.

"One condition." He spoke, firm.

"What?" I asked.

Then he spoke the words I was hoping to hell he'd never say.

"I'll tell her. But you have to tell Adrienne how YOU feel."

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