Chapter 15: Well, Shit

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*3 weeks later, Billie POV*

It had been a while, and Dookie was really coming together well. Mike was single, and Tré and Anna were still dating. Me? Oh. I was with Adrienne. But she was going back to Minnesota. We decided that a relationship wouldn't be worth it if she was that far away. So I have literally a few days with her after Dookie comes out. And I intend to spend them well.

Tré and Anna walked into the room, as Mike was sitting with his head in his hands. I didn't know whether to ask him what was up, because he could be writing and I didn't want to throw him off.

"We've got some news..." Tré said, and even Mike looked up.

"We're having a baby." Tré said, grinning. Anna smiled and I looked at Mike. There was an expression of horror on his face. For gods sake, they were having a baby. No need for him to flip out.

"I need some air." Mike said, and he jumped up and bolted out of the room. I smiled at Anna and Tré, saying congratulations again. I went outside and found Mike sitting with his head in his hands.

"Mike, for fucks sake they're having a baby, it's not the end of the world." I said, and he looked up.

"We've been sleeping together Billie. That baby has just as much chance as being mine." Mike said.

"You serious?"

"Yes. Oh god, I feel sick. Tré will actually kill me." Mike said. "Oh god. He's going to murder me. Oh god, crap shit fuck..." He muttered.

"Don't have a panic attack. At least not until you know it's yours. They have tests for this stuff. It might be Tré's." I said, and Mike nodded.

"Okay. I'll ask Anna."

"I'll help get you two alone." I said, and I led him back indoors.

"You okay Mike?" Anna asked.

"I'm fine." He said.

"Tré, come help me get the rest of the stuff out of the van?" I asked. He nodded and followed me outside.

*Mike POV*

As soon as Tré shut the door, I grabbed Anna and kissed her. God I had missed her so much.

"Anna. This baby could be mine." I said.

"It is." She nodded.

"How do you know?"

"Tré is super careful. Plus I was on the pill. With you it was rushed Mike... this baby is yours." She confirmed. I swallowed a lump in my throat. I could feel a panic attack coming. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on anything except panicking. "Mike? You okay?"

Yep, I was having a panic attack.

"Get Billie." I said through gritted teeth and she did. Billie came in and sat me down until it was over.

"You okay?" Tré asked when it was over. I nodded. "What were you panicking about?" He asked. I shrugged. Billie lay me down and covered me with a blanket, and the last thing I heard was Anna talking about an ultrasound tomorrow.

And I wasn't going.

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