Chapter 41: I Was Only Dreaming

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The next few days was just drugs, drugs and drugs until I was better. Eventually they let me go home.

"C'mon, get dressed. We can go now." Adie said, throwing a shirt and sweatpants at me.

"It's ridiculous letting me leave at 2am," I sighed. "I need underwear." I said, looking up at her.

"You'll live. C'mon."

I got up and put the clothes on, walking out with her when I was ready. We got in the car and made our way home.

"How much of the house do think Zero has destroyed?" Adrienne said, laughing.

"Probably most of the entire house." I replied, looking out the window as we turned onto our street. "I wish you'd have let me drive. You're pregnant."

"Pregnant, not crippled."

I got out when she pulled up at the house and we both went inside, going straight upstairs and getting into bed, both of us exhausted.


I looked around and saw I was next to Mike, we were watching a movie. I looked at him and he switched the movie off, pushing me off the couch and I landed with a thump.

"What the f-" Suddenly he was on me and grinding his hips against mine. I moaned out in surprise and he took this as a good sign, and then we were naked.

I didn't have time to think about how fast this was going before he was fucking me and I was in heaven. I was now aware that I was moaning his name and I was so close.

And then I woke up.

Sitting up quickly, I tried to calm my breathing. I looked around and noticed Adrienne sleeping next to me, everything normal.

No Mike and definitely no sex.

I felt warm and I was ridiculously turned on, I was sweating and my hair was stuck to me.

What the fuck was that?

Was I in love with my best friend?

I started breathing quicker.

The idea of losing Mike was out of the question to me. This couldn't be happening.

I sighed and lay down again, sliding my hand in my pants to fix the only problem I knew how to fix right now.

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