Chapter 26: I Have To See You

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*Billie POV*

It had been 2 weeks. That was it. It felt like a lifetime. Mike stuck his head through my door.

"Phone for you." He said, handing it to me. I put it to my ear, cradling it between my head and my shoulder as I was holding my guitar.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Billie Joe." It was Adrienne.

"Adie? Hi!" I couldn't help sounding excited.

"Hi! Listen, I have some news and I'm not sure how you'll take it." She said.

"Oh...kay..." I said. "Shoot."

"I'm coming back." She said. My heart started beating, fast.

"Forever?" I asked. I heard a sigh.

"No. I did some work and it had to be marked, I have to go pick it up." My heart broke.

"Oh. So you're coming all the way down here just for that?" I said.

"Well... I was gonna stay for a day, come see you. I mean, if you want." She said.

"Yes." I said quickly.

"Then it's settled. I'll be a few hours." She hung up. Mike popped his head in the doorway again, obviously he had been listening in.

"What are you smiling about?" He asked.

"Adie is coming back." I said, all smiles.

"Forever?" He asked. I shook my head. "Oh."

"But I get to see her, Mike!" I said. He sighed, took the phone and left.

I got ready quickly. Today would be the day that my hair decided not to behave. It was sticking up everywhere. Ugh.

I got breakfast and sat with Mike who seemed grumpy. I left him alone and talked to Tré instead.

Suddenly Mike stood up.

"Hey can you take my bowl in for me?" I asked, holding it out.

"No, fuck you. I'm not your fucking slave." He stormed upstairs and slammed the door. I looked at Tré. He looked just as puzzled as I was.

"What's up with him?" He asked.

"I have no idea. But I intend to find out." I got up and took my bowl to the kitchen, going up the stairs quietly. I stood outside of Mike's room and heard him playing. But he wasn't on bass, he was playing acoustic guitar. That's weird.

I knocked on the door quietly. The playing stopped. I knocked again.

"Go away." His voice sounded weird, muffled. Was he crying?

"Mike?" I asked softly.

"I said leave me the fuck alone!" He shouted. I decided on what I was going to do, and walked down the hallway loudly, as if I was walking away, but then I snuck back and stood outside the door.

I heard him put his guitar down, and then I heard him sniffing.

He WAS crying. I burst in and didn't even give him a chance to yell at me, I just ran over and wrapped my arms around him.

"What's up Mike? What happened?" He asked.

"I-I.." He started. I could barely understand him, he was crying so hard.

"Mike, breathe. You'll have a panic attack." I said, and he tried to breathe normally, calming down. "What happened?" I asked.

"My mom.." He said. I was confused.

"What?" I prompted him.

"Cancer..." He said. My heart dropped.

No. No way was this happening.

"Oh god, Mike.." I said. I didn't really know what to say to him. He started crying again, and all I could do was hug him. He buried his head into my neck and I got his phone out of his pocket, dialling Anna. I shushed Mike so she could hear me and told her to come over because Mike needed her. She was over within about eight seconds. I left her to sit with him and went to the living room.

Adrienne. Was. Standing. There.


"Adie?!" I ran towards her and wrapped my arms around her. She giggled and hugged me back.

"Billie you knew I was coming." She said, still laughing.

"But I didn't know you would be in the living room! Lets go outside, Mike's a little upset." I said. She nodded and we went to the garden. I got a text from Anna saying she was taking Mike to hers. I texted back okay and turned to Adrienne again. She watched me put my phone back in my pocket, and then she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. I kissed back straight away and she smiled, pulling me closer.

When we pulled away, she took my hand and led me inside.

The rest is history.

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