Chapter 17: Did That Solve The Problem?

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*A/N* I wanna hear from you guys. What do you think of the story? The couples? Who should be together? What should happen with Adrienne? Please leave a comment and let me know if you like it, it really helps out. :)*

They weren't going to tell him. It was better this way, Mike and Tré friends, and no-one fighting. Plus it's not like Mike wouldn't be around the baby. So that's what they decided. Mike wasn't the dad, Tré was. At least that's what they were pretending. And Tré was none the wiser. But only Billie could see; this was killing Mike. Not that he'd show it. But every single time Tré mentioned the baby or something about the baby, Billie would see Mike's face drop and he'd look down. This was killing him. But Tré was way to important, there was no way Mike was going to tell Tré.

*2 weeks later*

Tré and Billie had went out drinking. Anna couldn't go, obviously. Mike offered to stay with her since 'he wasn't in the mood to drink'. They sat next to eat other, watching a movie, a comedy. Every now and then, Anna would giggle. That little sound that Mike loved. Suddenly, Anna jolted forward, clutching her stomach.

"What's wrong?" Mike asked, pausing the TV.

"My stomach hurts," Anna said, an expression of horror on her face.

"Uh, okay. I'll take you to the hospital I guess." Mike said, and he helped her stand up. "I'll call the hospital on the way there. Do I just say you're in labour?" Mike asked, and she looked at him like he was stupid.

"It's not labour, you doofus. I'm barley a month pregnant!" She said, and Mike smiled.

"I'm a guy. As a species, we're clueless." He helped her to the car and drove her to the hospital. When they got there, he told the doctor everything he knew.

"Right." The doctor said. "I'll take her for an exam. Are you the father?" Mike's chest hurt as he replied.

"No, I'm not. But I'll call him." He got his phone out as the doctor walked away.

"Yellow." Tré's voice came down the phone.

"I'm at the hospital with Anna-and-she-was-having-pains-and-they-think-it's-the-baby-and-you-need-to-come-down-here," Mike said, all in a rush.

"I got baby, hospital, Anna and pain so I'm on my way." Tré hung up and when he and Billie arrived, Billie ran over to Mike and Tré ran to the doctor, being let into the room straight away. Billie ran over to Mike and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. He couldn't even imagine what Mike was feeling right now. Suddenly Tré walked out of the room. He looked heartbroken. Billie tensed up as he spoke next.

"What happened?" Billie asked. Tré looked at him.

"Anna had a miscarriage." He mumbled. Billie felt the blood leave his head. He looked at Mike, who honestly was wearing an expression of total heart break. And he couldn't even react in front of Tré. Suddenly Billie had an idea.

"I'm so sorry Tré. Come outside for some fresh air," Billie said, while watching Mike with concern, because he was staring at nothing.

"I can't leave Anna." Tré said.

"Mike'll sit with her." Billie said, not missing a beat. Tré agreed and Billie pushed Mike towards Anna's room.

When Billie walked in to check on Mike, he was still in Anna's room. Tré had went to get a drink. Billie was a bit shocked at what he saw.

Mike was sat on Anna's bed, and they had their arms around each other. What shocked Billie more was not only was Anna crying, Mike was.

After being friends since they were 10, Billie had never saw Michael Dirnt cry. He was going to say something, but he just backed away from the room slowly, shutting the door quietly.

They needed eachother right now.

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