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A.herald: i have returned, your highness

the herald kneels before lumine that are sitting on the throne.

Lumine: you're back... and- *narrows* you're using that power again...

A.herald: my apologies, princess... the situation i'm in is a bit...

Lumine: tell me, who is the person who made you like this?

A.herald: yes. apparently, it's your brother-


he was kicked in the face, and crashing the wall.

Lumine: you're saying you used that power to fight him? *grab his head*

A.herald: u-ughh... y-yes... i don't have any ch-gahhk!?

a punch that went right into the herald's stomach.

Lumine: you bastard... what if my brother gets killed? huh?

A.herald: *groans* aghh... my apol-guhaak!?

another punch, this time on his chest.

Lumine: you really think sorry is enough? you're really trying to kill him...

her eyes show nothing. dead eyes that stare at the herald. her grip on the herald's head tightens every time she punches him.

Lumine: forget about the homeland, if i find any scars on his body... i will destroy your very own soul...

for a moment her eyes turned red as a monster-like form appeared behind her.

A.herald: *trembling* u-understood...

Lumine: call yourself lucky...


after returning from the ruins, aether met with dainsleif.

Dainsleif: so we meet again, a little sooner than i expected.

he still wore his usual calm expression while looking at aether.

Paimon: oh, hey, it's dain! *waving at him*

Aether: haaaa... finally-

Dainsleif: judging by your sighs... it looks like you've just experienced something quite strange *looks at the aether*

Paimon: you guessed it right!

Dainsleif: hah, could it be that you encountered an abyss herald in those ruins?

Aether: how did you know that?

Dainsleif: i've been on the abyss herald's trail. i didn't expect to find you here as well.

Aether: actually... there was something even strange than the abyss herald in the ruins...

aether tells dain about the strange statue and deceased thief.

for a moment, his eyes trembled at the mention of the statue.

Dainsleif: i see... an inverted statue that resembles your friend, huh?

Paimon: yes, yes! his name is rimuru!

dain narrowed his eyes when he heard that name. it was the first time he heard a name like that.

Dainsleif: i'm afraid... i don't recognize this rimuru...

he closed his eyes, letting his mind run and search for the answer.

however, not a single answer emerged.

rimuru...? who...?

but his soul was trying to tell him, that this rimuru... was the one who-

A Supreme Deity in Teyvat [re-write ver.]Where stories live. Discover now