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The sun rose with a beautiful essence filling the air with newness of another ray of hope for people who want to do better and change thier life. 
Y/n woke up from the sound of the alarm. She did her morning routine , took a shower and went to kitchen to make her breakfast . She ate her breakfast and did the dishes but still it was 7am  and she had 2 hours left before the interview at Kim Enterprises. She wore a formal dress , high heels and her long black hair tied in a high bun and went to the living room.  She thought about leaving early and to kill some time by walking and not  booking a cab. The Kim  building was 20 minutes away by car but it would take her about 1 hour to reach their on foot . She stopped at a park near the company and look around the people going to their work, students having fun , and a few couples walking hand in hand. She usually love to see people having fun with their loves ones and living their true life but at same time it makes her feel somewhat lonely and that's  why she wanted to suppress  herself  with work as much as she could.

Y/n Pov

I didn't  even realize that it was already 8:45 am and stood up and continue my walk to the Kim  building. I reached there in few minutes and saw a girl who's mouth fell open as she saw how beautiful and amazing it looked in real life. It was one of the tallest building in seoul and it looked ecstatic  while seen with one's  eyes and not through the photos online. I scurried my way into the building and went to the receptionist  and asked her about the interview.
She told me the directions and i went to the elevator .
As soon as the elevator's door was about to close a hand crept in and it went wide open revealing a tall handsome man with formal suit . It seemed as if he was at one of the top positions in the company . He slightly bowed and showed his bunny smile and mumbled a little sorry under his breath. I also bowed a little and he stood next to me. He looked at the buttons to press his floor but stopped midway and looked at me and said

" You here for the interview ?"

I nodded with a smile and asked casually
"You too?"

He chuckled and said "why would I ?I am a CEO myself ."

I thought he was joking and said

" Sure , then why are you alone ? Where is your secreatry? He or she should be with you . "

He frowned a little showing his disbelief and again said with his bunny smile " He has an errand to run. He will be here soon."

I made an Oh face not knowing what to say. Then i smiled a little and said " If you really are, you are a nice and sweet CEO."
His cheeks turned red and said "You are a nice flirt but your soon to be boss is really cold."

"How are you so sure that i will be selected ?." I asked.

" I just have this feeling that you will be appointed today." He said while flashing his bunny teeth.
After few seconds the lift door opened , we both smiled at each other and went our own way. He went towards the left hallway while i went towards the right hallway where other interviewee were sitting . Soon a woman came and started calling us one by one for the interview. We were about 10 girls and boys in total as we were already selected on the basis of our college performances and grades. After almost an hour my turn came and i was the only one left. I stood up when they called my name , i dusted my dress a little and went to the office . I knocked on the door and entered when i heard a familiar voice " come in." I entered and went toward the table and saw the same bunny smile is saw in the lift..............


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