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She was just lost in his eyes until he spoke

" I controlled myself last night but not anymore "

Just before y/n could process anything TAEHYUNG slammed his lips on hers  which took her off guard but the next second she kissed him back making TAEHYUNG smile between the kiss.
He pulled her closer with her waist while she too pulled him with the back of his head.
Her fingers moving in his silky black locks.

The kissed continued for about good few minutes that showed the love and care they have for each other.
They parted and joined their forehead trying to make the heavy breathing normal.
But before y/n could move back to look at TAEHYUNG she was lifted in air with her waist and she saw the most heart warming thing in her life.
TAEHYUNG smiling brightly....shining more than the brightest star, his eyes showing emotions of thankfulness ,love, care and desperation.  TAEHYUNG twirled her around like that while
y/n's hand were on his shoulder.
She too broke in giggles seeing this cold jerk, her jerk being this happy.

He continued to twirl her around and stopped after sometime .
He put her on the counter and stood between her legs and spoke while looking straight in her eyes
" I hate you....
I hate you the most
My little tiger "

" I hate you more
My Devil " y/n replied and they both started chuckling on the nick names they gave each other . But not anymore.

TAEHYUNG started moving more closer while holding her waist .
Y/n was still on the counter so she couldn't do anything but put her hands on his shoulders.

" I just can't control anymore " TAEHYUNG said and pulled her in another passionate kiss which soon turned rough and somewhat harsh.
Y/n tried to match his pace by wrapping her legs around his waist but couldn't.

Soon TAEHYUNG left her lips and moved towards her jaw and her neck but before he could do anything further y/n spoke
" TAEH...HYUNG ....." in her breathy voice that was angelic to TAEHYUNG but he stopped immediately realizing what he was about to do
And pulled back.

" I'm sorry....i didn't....mean to make you uncomfortable...." TAEHYUNG spoke and stepped a little away but couldn't when she pulled him closer by clutching his shirt.

" You didn't.....i just wanted to ask ...
Are you sure ????
Sure about us????" Y/n said and his eyes again become shiny and said
" Sure than my whole existence " and dived in for another kiss .
And just like that they continued their holy business.

At 9 AM

Jimin,  kookie,  TAEHYUNG and y/n were all sitting on the dining table having their breakfast when jimin spoke
" time atleast close the door we don't want to hear what is happening inside your room" and y/n heart stopped for a second.
She stopped chewing food while she looked at TAEHYUNG but he was eating his food like nothing happened.

Kookie looked at them for the reaction when TAEHYUNG spoke
" I won''s my house if you don't what to hear that just close you damn ears or leave the FUCKING house " with a straight face while y/n looked stunned.
How can he be so normal or may be she was exaggerating. She continued but jimin,  kookie and y/n choked on their food when TAEHYUNG spoke...
" Besides the door was closed .. .. ....
You probably didn't hear most of her screams "

Happiness: The Fear [K.TH]Where stories live. Discover now