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The door opened revealing Jimin,kookie and yeonjun they came and hugged her. Asked if she was feeling okay.
" Why didn't you ever tell me about your phobia??" Yeonjun asked pouting at her.
" Its not that i wanted to hide but i also never felt the need to tell " y/n said.
" What happened after i fainted???Jimin tell me" she asked being curious.

Jimin explained him everything that yoona brought them to surprise TAEHYUNG and didn't know about your phobia . And the way TAEHYUNG scolded her and the staff for being careless .
She couldn't believe that he threaten to kill the staff. She felt bad of how she accused him for hurting her. He must be angry that's why he left like that.
Jimin continue to tell her that the doctor came and checked upon her and that she is fine and needs to take rest and restrain from stress as much as possible.

Soon TAEHYUNG came in the room .
" Mr kim thank you for taking care of us. We will take our leave now . We have to go to office as well" Yeonjun said .
" You can if you want but its breakfast time . Have it and you can leave afterwards " TAEHYUNG said with a straight face.

" Okay Mr kim " Yeonjun replied.
" Stop calling him Mr Kim . Call him TAEHYUNG.  You are a friend now" Jimin said and Yeonjun looked towards TAEHYUNG to ask for his permission.
" Jimin is right . You can call me by my name" TAEHYUNG replied and went to his office room in the mansion.

Y/n went to freshenup and then joined the boys in breakfast. They had their breakfast when y/n asked " Where is TAEHYUNG??? Did he had his breakfast???"
" He might be in his office. Are you perhaps worried??? " Jimin asked teasingly.
I rolled my eyes.
" But she is right ....he didn't had his dinner as well" kookie said.
" He didn't had his dinner???" Y/n asked.

" He was too angry and worried to have dinner. He was with you all the time after you fainted" kookie said.
" Aishhh.......this boy he never takes his health seriously......does he ??? He is still the same " y/n said and stood up. She put the food in the plate and went to him.

" They are never going to change " Jimin said and chuckled.
" What do you mean??" Yeonjun asked.
" Well they were like that in the past. They might fight like enemies but in the end they can't let the other devoid of care . They will never admit that they care for each other but they do more than we think" Jimin said.
" I guess you are right. I have never seen her getting influenced by someone this much. She never cared about anyone . She even didn't fear the mafia we met during meetings" yeonjun said.
" Yeah why don't you tell us about how you guys were in London " kookie asked and with that they started talking and telling the past stories.


Y/n's  Pov

Why does he never takes his health seriously.  But i guess I'm at fault too . He was there with me and i accused him. No no no.
Its not my fault . He always act like he doesn't care and he doesn't.  He might have done it cause I'm  Jimin's and kookie's friend.
I reached the office and entered without knocking.
He was working on the laptop all focused.
He didn't know i entered. I went closer and put the  food plate on the table. He looked up angrily and said " What are you doing ????" .


I was working when suddenly i heard the plate sound being put on my table.
I looked up and asked her what is she doing here.
" Well I am playing the role of a worker . Here sir have your breakfast " She said sarcastically.
" Well then here" i said pushing the plate toward her" take this and leave me alone . I want to be alone ".
She scoffed and said " Are you mad??? Stop already.  Just eat your breakfast and i will leave".

First she accuses me and now here showing her concern." Can't you just leave me alone. I don't want to eat" i said angrily.
" What is with the shouting. I'm just asking you to eat your breakfast.  Stop behaving like a kid TAEHYUNG " she spoke getting irritated.

" I'm behaving like a kid ??? You came here role playing . Just leave already " i said.

" I won't " she replied.
I stood up and went to other side of the table and caged her between my arms putting them on the table.
" What do you want???" I asked.

Nobody's Pov

Both of them were acting like kids and still not admitting.  TAEHYUNG asked y/n what she wanted being dangerously close to her.
" I just want you to eat your breakfast " y/n replied.
" And why is that?? Why do you care whether i eat or not??" TAEHYUNG asked raising his eyebrows.
She became nervous cause she didn't know why she cares if he eats or not.
" I....I am just asking cause you didn't had you dinner as well" she finally spoke.
" Again....why do you care????" TAEHYUNG asked teasingly.

She pushed him a little and pointed her finger towards him and said " Then why  didn't you had your dinner ???"
Again pointing finger " Why did you scolded Yoona ???"
Again pointing finger " Why did you scolded the staff???" .

TAEHYUNG froze. Just like y/n didn't know why she cared , he also didn't know why he behaved irrationally yesterday.  He had no answer just like her. Or they both did but didn't want to accept that.

" Answer me Kim TAEHYUNG " she said again poking her finger on his chest just above his heart.
This time TAEHYUNG hold her index finger and took his step forward glaring at her. She gulped at this sudden change of behavior and stepped backward. This continued till y/n's back hit the wall.
" Do you really want to know" TAEHYUNG asked being dangerously close to her. His arms were on either side of her and their breath fanning each other's face.
" Yes" she said trying not to stutter.

" Cause i care" TAEHYUNG said and y/n's eyes widened.  What did he say . He finally admit that he care about me. " about myself " he added and y/n scoffed and thought " what did i even expected from this devil".
TAEHYUNG smiled internally seeing her scrunch her nose.
" If anything happened to you what would happen to my contract and the annual fest that is after 2 days" TAEHYUNG said.
Y/n jerked his hand and said " Exactly....i too care about my deal. What if you fall sick because of not eating properly.  What will happen to our deal" .

They both will never admit and now none of them knew what to do next.
"Eat now " y/n said taking the plate in her hands. She didn't realize and accidentally grazed her injured hand on the table and hissed in pain.
TAEHYUNG went to her fastly and took her hand in his hand and said " Why are you so clumsy" . He took his handkerchief and wrapped it around her hand.
" Don't take it off will remember to not use this hand much after seeing this" TAEHYUNG said and y/n just nodded.

After that TAEHYUNG silently had his breakfast and after he was done y/n took the plate and went downstairs.
Soon she and yeonjun left and went to their house before going to their work.
Vminkook also left to work after some time.

2 days later

Y/n and TAEHYUNG were busy due to the annual fest . Yoona apologized to y/n for what happened and she was sad cause TAEHYUNG was still angry but he couldn't stay angry for longer and everything went back to as it was . The thing that wasn't back to normal was our idiot y/n and TAEHYUNG.  They were still fighting like kids.
It was the last day of seminar and there was going to be a party tomorrow for the hardwork of the employees.

Right now it was evening and y/n was working in TAEHYUNG'S office when suddenly the lights went off..........


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