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The confession of love doesn't necessarily means that the people will stay as happy, cute and lovely couples.
Of course not.
And too surely when it comes to our stubborn and conceited y/n and TAEHYUNG.

They did started showing their love openly but they are too childish to stop their fights.

With their love their fights have went to another level that jimin and kookie are having second thoughts about living in the same home.

Well it has been 5 days since the party incident and now TAEHYUNG too is allowed to do his work like he did in the past .
Y/n time too was over to live there but Vminkook didn't let her leave.

Jimin and kookie too admitted that y/n is like a family to them and wouldn't have let her to leave the house even if TAEHYUNG didn't confessed.

Y/n too agreed cause thats the happiness she always dreamt of, the family she craved for and the love she was deprived of.

She is living in the same house but not in the same room .
That too is just to say as TAEHYUNG always sneak in her room(that was his before she came ) and sleep while hugging her.

Jimin and kookie find it too adorable of them to continue this little drama of separate rooms but let them have their little fun.

TAEHYUNG will go to office from tomorrow and y/n too.

At the Dinner

All four of them were talking when kookie spoke
" Y/n i really liked my room.
Its so nice.
Hyung you should see the apartment tomorrow itself"

" Yeah its nicely done .
You will like it very much" Jimin added and y/n just nodded.

TAEHYUNG looked at y/n and said
" No need . I know its beautiful "

" We are talking about the apartment Tae not about y/n" JIMIN said and kookie laughed.

Y/n just smiled and continued eating her food.
" What about your office??" Jimin asked.

" What about that?? I already told her that nothing will be changed in my office" TAEHYUNG said sternly.

" TAEHYUNG listen to me " y/n spoke.

TAEHYUNG looked at her and she continued
" I know you told me not to touch anything in your office ....but believe me the changes won't even get noticed....i just made some......"

Y/n got cut off when TAEHYUNG slammed his fist on table and she flinched.
Y/n knew it was coming .
" TAEHYUNG...first listen to me"

" Did you listen to me???"
" Taehh..."

" No you didn't.
I have told you multiple times not to do anything with my office but still you did.
Can't you just understand one little thing"

" Tae atleast listen to her" jimin spoke.
" Calm down Hyung " kookie said.

" Why aren't you saying anything to her....
Just becuase she is my girl doesn't mean she can do anything especially the things that i have denied mutliple times " TAEHYUNG growled.

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