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Next morning y/n woke up with the sunlight falling on her face. She rubbed her eyes and found TAEHYUNG sleeping peacefully with a small pout just like the other day in his office. She sit on the edge of the bed and removed the few strands of hair that were falling on his eyes. She ruffled his hairs lightly not wanting to disturb his sleep .

She then caressed his cheeks and emotions welled up in her.
She suddenly felt guilty for all that happened.

She realized how close she was to lose him.
She couldn't control herself and said
" I'm sorry .....TAEHYUNG
I'm sorry.....
It all happened becuase of me " .
A sob left her mouth even after controlling so much.

Just then she felt she was pulled and saw TAEHYUNG opening his eyes.


I woke and saw y/n sleeping peacefully.  I loved seeing her like this and the thought that she will be here for quite a long time made me happy.

Soon i saw her waking up and i pretended to be asleep.
I felt her caring about me but suddenly she started apologising for what happened.  Just then i heard her sob and without thinking anything i pulled her closer to me. Her eyes widened but that was the least i cared about .

" What happened......why are you crying???"
I asked.

" Nothing " she said while sitting on the bed.

" You seriously think i believe that" i took a pause and continued
" look I'm gonna tell you this for the first and the last time so listen carefully. 
Everything that happened was not your fault.  So STOP blaming yourself.
Protecting you was my decision and taking the shot too.
And if same situation is to repeat itself ....
I won't hesitate to do it again " i said in my usual cold tone and she looked at me with teary eyes as a tear rolled down her eyes.

I quickly cupped her face and wiped it with my thumb and pulled her in my embrace.

"I'M SORRY......
I didn't want to bother you but i couldn't take it all in" she said and clutched my shirt tightly and started crying.

" Cry all you want .....but after today i don't want you to spend as much as a tear on this incident " i said and hugged her tightly.

After some time she pulled and started wiping her tears. I ruffled her hair as they become slightly messy and a chuckle left my mouth.

" Yahh.....
Why the hell you are laughing " she asked being irritated.

" Nothing i saw a baby just woke up from her sleep and she is quite messy" and again laughed.

" Stop it.....or i will" she said.

"WHAT....what will you do" i asked enjoying seeing my old, fierce y/n.

" I will...." she said coming towards my face and disheveled all my hairs and got up and throw a pillow at my face that i obviously caught.

" Now get up you need to have your medicine " she said in a bossy tone and lead me to the bathroom and left.

I chuckled at her childish behavior that i have been missing for a very long time.

Happiness: The Fear [K.TH]Where stories live. Discover now