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" We are MAFIAS ..... " he looked at my stunned face and said
" I understand  if you don't  want to be friends  with me anymore but i just couldn't  hide it from you any longer" . I was shocked after his confession and couldn't  process what to say when i heard his voice again" y/n say something".

" kookie i don't  know what to say. I mean i should be scared from you after knowing this but I'm  not.
I should  be angry on you for not telling me but i understand  you must have had your reasons and besides  no one walk around telling everyone that they are mafias but i don't  feel anything.
I mean i get this thing that you are Mafia but that doesn't  mean you are bad and i know that for sure."

" so you don't  have any problem with us being mafias??" He asked.

" Well you and JIMIN are really nice to me and if you wouldn't  have told me i could never tell if you were in such a dangerous  profession. Mr. Kim look like he can be a really rude and Devil sometimes " i laughed and continued " You are my friend. I didn't  become friends with you or JIMIN because you were CEOs but because you guys were you. You being Mafia has nothing  to do with our friendship. And i guess i have 2 handsome mafias  as my friends."

He was so happy after i told him this that he got up and hugged me really tight twirling me around. He thanked me over and over again . I couldn't  tell if he was a dangerous  mafia . He then put me down and kissed on my cheeks and said " thank you so much  y/n. You don't  know the weight that you lifted from my shoulders."

I smiled at him being so excited and heard a cough . Both of us look toward the voice  and found the Devil himself.


I came to mansion and heard some laugh and giggles and saw JUNGKOOKIE  hugging and twirling y/n around. I was thinking as to why he bring her home when The next thing he did made me shocked. He kissed her on her cheeks.

I cough out of words when they both looked at my direction . She bowed at me immediately and i went passed her towards kookie and said
"I will talk to you later" . After that i went to my room.

Y/n Pov

I bowed at Mr Kim  out of habit . He whispered  something to kookie  and went somewhere probably his room. Kookie turned  to me and said " y/n i didn't  tell you but TAEHYUNG  is the MAFIA KING " .

My eyes went wide open at the thought of him being  mafia king and the fact that he could have easily killed me for the thousand  stupid things i did in front of him and that clearly pissed him. Kookie laughed and said
" don't  worry. He won't  kill you for your stupid things cause you are  my friend. That's  the privilege  you have for being my friend "
and winked at me.
Jungkookie excused himself and went after him. I was waiting on the dining table when a maid was holding a tray with two glasses of juice . I asked her and she told me it was for Mr  Kim  and JUNGKOOKIE.  I took it from here and went to the direction  she told me. I thought  about going myself cause i was getting bored .

I reached the room from which i could clearly hear Mr. Kim shouting  at JUNGKOOKIE .The door was slightly open. I didn't  intent to listen but when i heard my name and stood on the door listening.....
Mr kim was growling  at kookie and i heard
" How could you JUNGKOOK . You are not careless at all then why did you tell y/n about us being mafias. Don't  you know what can happen. She will be a liability  if she is used by our rivals."
I didn't  like it when he addressed  me as a liability. 
" Does she know what are the consequences  of coming here. We don't  need any loopholes but she might end up being one to those people."

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