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At the night

Y/n was hell angry on TAEHYUNG and left his office and was wandering around the streets to calm herself down. He was already trying to piss her off for the past few weeks and now not letting her work.
She wanted to complete her work as soon as possible .

It was 8pm already when she saw her phone. She was coming back to office to take her belongings but before that.....

Y/n pov

I was going back to Kim enterprises when a man came in front of me and said " Would like some help's already night and it's not safe for a girl to walk alone".

" I am capable of taking care of myself. You can go" i stated and passed by him but stopped listening to his next words
" But i Don't think your friend is capable of it"

I turned around " What are you talking about???" .
Just then my phone dinged indicating a text that too from unknown number. When i opened it my body fell numb. It was yeonjun tied on a chair and blood all over his face and he was fainted.

Just then i got a call. I picked it up expecting the worst " H...h...lo" i said stuttering.

" Oh Ms y/n .....what's with this are too strong for that" and the person chuckled wildly " Now back to business....Follow the lead of the man standing in front of you or else your precious little friend will be dead before you know" he said in a cold expression and cut the call.

I looked at the man and he handed me a drink and without thinking or asking i drank it. I knew it had sleeping drugs but i couldn't do anything but to follow him. I can't let anything happen to Yeonjun.
Within a few seconds i felt my vision blurring and felt my knees going weak but before i fell i felt that man holding me.

Nobody's pov

Y/n woke up and found herself in an unknown dark place and then memories from earlier came rushing. She found her hands and legs tied to the chair . She looked around and saw Yeonjun in the room next to her through a glass window. She wanted to move but couldn't. She wanted to scream but her throat was dry. She calmed a little and saw Yeonjun still fainted and then said with her dry throat
" Is somebody here... talk to me ........" she said angrily.
After few minutes few men came to Yeonjun's room and took him away from there and y/n screamed to make them stop but nothing happened.

They dragged yeonjun out and few minutes later a man dressed in black came. Y/n saw him coming towards her and said
" Who are you and why did you kidnapped yeonjun????
If you had a problem with me then why did you hurt him.....
Speak you bastard" y/n said
But to her reply that man just laughed like a maniac.

" You think so high of yourself. Don't you???
Yeonjun was just a bait to lure you.
And You also a bait to lure the bigger fish" he said and y/n couldn't process what happened.

" What do you mean????" She asked.

" precious little girl you have no idea how important you are to someone so powerful.
He made sure you are not in any problem but look here you are my hostage.
He even hired a man to keep you safe but sadly he is already dead and so will be him.
I can harm you to torture him easy but Where's the fun in that if i can't see him suffering with my own eyes.
Wait till he comes and then the show will start babygirl.
Brace yourself"
he said with a smirk on his face.

Y/n pov

" What are you talking about.
What hired man???
What powerful people???
I don't know what you are saying but i guess you have got the wrong person" i said not getting a single shit he just said.

" Ohhh.....poor little girl .
Don't you know how many men droll over you.
How many of them wants to devour you, and pleasure themselves " he said with that unholy grin on his face
and i felt disgusted at his words. I wanted to scratch his face so badly.

" What do you think is stopping all of them. They are all big business tycoons and some are even mafias.....why do you think that you are still safe ?????

Not ringing any bells" he asked .

" I don't know....will you just say clearly what's the matter and let me go " i said having zero interest in his stupid talks. He clearly has the wrong person . I don't know someone caring about me this much and surely no one hired a man to protect me . Why would someone do that.

" How innocent of you...." he said in a baby voice but suddenly he gaze turned dark and he came towards me holded my jaw harshly and said with anger and loathe in his eyes
" Don't you know the mafia king himself.....that bloody Kim TAEHYUNG....
Who do you think has the power to stop those hungry beast than the most powerful man in korea.
You think we are fools to not see how important you are to him....
How much he treasure you......
But now it's my turn to use you against him and make him beg for his life or should i say your life " he said and my eyes widened.
TAEHYUNG but him????Me important???
We are literally enemies??? Why is this man saying all of this???

" Look Mr.....i think you have misunderstood. It is right that i work with him but i will be the last person on this universe for whom he will beg for have got the wrong perso....." he cut me off and said.

" Again with the same drama of yours. You also said the same thing and that stupid man believed you and now see he is dead .
But I'm not a fool like him and not gonna believe these lies of you.

Now starve till you die and get ready to face the hell itself " he said and left.

I was left shocked and bewildered. I didn't know what to do and soon felt a needle on my neck and lost my consciousness again


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