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At 7 pm

Jimin wore a blue tux while kookie wore a sky blue tux. It wasn't some formal party so they were supposed to wear some colorful dress on order of y/n.
She asked them to wear something other than black clothes like some thiefs .
Jimin and kookie were all ready and sitting in the living room when kookie spoke
" Hyung....we should do something ".
Jimin understood what he was talking about and said
" I know....just do what I'll tell okay"

Kookie and jimin were discussing their plan when TAEHYUNG spoke grabbing their attention

" What the hell are you guys talking behind my back...."  as he saw them stop talking as soon as he came down.

" Nothing Hyung.....just...." kookie said and jimin took over the conversation and went near TAEHYUNG and said
" Look like someone is trying to impress someone " .
" In your dreams" TAEHYUNG replied.
TAEHYUNG was wearing a red suit making him look handsome and sexy at the same time.

" Hyung....girls won't stop drooling after seeing you today" kookie said winking at him.

TAEHYUNG just scoffed and said
" We have to go tonight for the party ....
Where is she ???"

" someone's being impatient " jimin said with a smirk and continue
" Don't worry she will come".

TAEHYUNG won't admit but he was being impatient.

Just then they heard heels clicking sound and all three of them turned their heads and saw a beautiful y/n coming down the stairs.
She was looking breath taking. All three of them couldn't take their eyes of her especially TAEHYUNG.

Her hairs hanging loose , light makeup and a beautiful red dress fitting her curves perfectly.

Yes both y/n and TAEHYUNG were twinning in red making them look like a couple.

Y/n gaze fall on TAEHYUNG and as she saw him in red suit she found her breath hitched in her throat.  He was looking ethereal. 
No one can deny this fact not even her.

Jimin nudged kookie and made him saw what was brewing between the love birds.

Kookie too saw how they were lost in each others eyes.

TAEHYUNG was looking at y/n like this is the last time he was seeing her.
She saw that TAEHYUNG was not taking his eyes of her , she thought she was not looking good.
She fumbled and her leg tripped down the stairs.
She was about to fall when two strong arms wrapped around her waist making her clutch the shoulder of the person.

She sighed as she felt herself safe and opened her eyes only to be met with the same gaze again.
TAEHYUNG made her stand up nicely and tugged the strand of hair falling on her face.

She pulled back when jimin cleared his throat and said
" We are also here love birds "

  jimin and kookie showered y/n with heart warming compliments.

" y/n you are looking gorgeous " jimin spoke.

" Hyung is right ....Men at the party will die seeing this beauty in front of them " kookie added and y/n blushed at this comment.

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