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Yeonjun dragged y/n to dance with him.
Now his one hand was on y/n's waist while the other holding her left hand while her right hand was on his shoulder.
It was a slow song and they moved along the rhythm.

Soon they started talking and giggling while dancing. Yeonjun was intentionally being close to her but y/n didn't mind that .
Why would she they are friends and y/n trust him.
But she felt him being a little touchy while dancing but she shrugged it off . Thought that he was just completely lost in the dance.
He wasn't touching her inappropriately so she was also letting him be.
She sometimes tries to touch Jimin in flirty way so she didn't mind it at all.

Well thanks to their close and touchy dance someone was fuming in anger and more than anger in jealousy.

Yes he was glancing time to time on y/n and now he couldn't bear her dancing with Yeonjun that too this closely.
And like this Jimin's plan worked.
Jimin and kookie were laughing seeing TAEHYUNG burning in jealousy.
Jimin knew that TAEHYUNG won't mind if he or kookie would be dancing as he had already made peace with the fact that both of them really love her and care about her but not romantically.
That's why even when they kiss on cheeks he slightly get jealous but know everything is okay.

But TAEHYUNG don't trust Yeonjun or anyone else when it comes to y/n .
That's why Jimin asked him to dance with her.
Jimin told Yeonjun that they want TAEHYUNG and y/n to confess and he too gladly accept as Yeonjun himself had his assumptions about y/n being worried about TAEHYUNG
And the way she get easily influenced by TAEHYUNG on the slightest of things.

TAEHYUNG was seeing their dance for past few minutes but couldn't control more.
He strided towards them and when Yeonjun was twirling y/n around, TAEHYUNG grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him.

She landed on his hard chest with her hands on his shoulders.

Y/n pov

I was being twirled when i felt a grip on my wrist and i was bumped with a hard chest.
I didn't even need to look at the person to know who it was as i can now easily tell by the touch that it was TAEHYUNG.
I looked at his eyes and they were fuming in anger but what did i do.
I was stepping away when he pulled me closer with my waist.
His both hands were on my waist and mine on his shoulders near his neck.

He was clearly angry with something or someone.
Did something happened in the party??
I didn't wanted him to burst out in the party so i asked him
" Are you okay????
You look angry "

" Do i need your permission to even get angry " he spat right on my face .
I didn't like it .
How can he talk like that to me.

" You don't....
But don't talk like that to me " i said clearly being annoyed at him.

TAEHYUNG sensed that and his eyes soften.

I looked down but again found my face lifting up with his finger under my chin.
I saw his soften eyes but the anger was their.

" I didn't mean that" he said.

" I don't care about what you meant" i replied back as a pout formed on my lips.

He smiled a little and said
" First you made me angry and now trying to be cute" .
I didn't understand. Cute??
Just then i felt his thumb grazing on my lower lip.
I yanked my head towards the side.

" How did i made you angry???" I asked still not looking at him.

" Look at me when I'm talking to you" he said and i looked at his eyes that again were filled with anger.
How can someone handle this bipolar man.
I thought and continued
" Now tell me".

" Why were you letting him dance with you " he said sternly.

" Cause he is my friend " i said like it was the most common and casual thing, which it was.

" Jimin and kookie are also your friends why didn't you dance with them"

" Cause i wanted to dance with Yeonjun" i said being irritated.

" Do you have any problem with that " i said and rolled my eyes at him.

His grip tightened around my waist as he said
" Him dancing close and being all touchy was the problem " .

" He wasn't touching me inappropriately besides he is my friend" i replied.

" so if someone touches you but not inappropriately.....
Is that okay with you ???" He asked tilting his head to the side.
Before i could answer i found his hand trailing up my back while a shiver ran down my spine.
I closed my eyes feeling his touch and all the emotions that were rushing inside of me.

His hand stopped at the back of my neck when he pulled me closer to his face with that and whispered in my ears
" I guess it isn't inappropriate "
He back away a little i saw him smirking at my condition.
I controlled all the emotions and pushed him a little to get away but in vain.
He didn't even budge and again pulled me closer.
His hand again trailing down my bare back and stopped at my waist.
His long slender finger making me go weak as i let my head fall on his chest above his heart. He pulled me in his embrace and again whispered in my ears with his deep , husky but this time seducing voice...all breathy on my neck giving goosebumps all over my body
" Don't let anyone touch what's mine.....
Tiger "
I could feel him smirk because of the effect he and his touch have on me.

We stayed like that for sometime until i heard a voice ,her voice ...
Yoona saying
" Taetae....." she ran towards us as i saw TAEHYUNG pulled back taking away all his warmth with him.
I didn't like it.
I suddenly became angry when i saw her hugging TAEHYUNG tightly not having any intention to leave him soon.
TAEHYUNG too didn't react and kept on hugging her when she pulled back and said
" I am happy that you are fine now...
As i can see you are already dancing "

I didn't like it .
I just didn't.

" Dance with me" yoona asked TAEHYUNG.
" But....." he was cut off when yoona again pulled him on stage.

TAEHYUNG looked at me to say something but i left before listening to him while stomping my feet .
I went to kookie.
He was standing there along with Jimin and i saw them both laughing.
Were they laughing on me.
" What's so funny???" I asked them.

" Nothing just....seeing someone getting jealous " Jimin said.

I scoffed and stood their.
We were drinking cola and other juices when i choked at my drink when i saw yoona kissing TAEHYUNG on his cheeks.
He didn't kissed back but he was smiling at her.

My anger reached its peak . I strided towards them and this time it was me who pulled TAEHYUNG away from yoona.

But the next thing i did made everyone shock even i was shocked as to how i could do that.

I hold his nape, tip toed to match his height and slammed my lips on his.

TAEHYUNG'S eyes widened at first but the next second he closed his eyes but before he could kiss her back,
She pulled out and whispered against his lips looking straight at his eyes
" Don't let anyone touch what's mine

She left from there.


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