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All there of them broke the hug and said in unison

" Are you okay"
" are you feeling fine"
" Is it hurting anywhere "
All three of them asked at the same time.

He smiled a little and answered while sitting . Jimin helped him with that.

" I'm fine....It does pain a little but I'm okay" TAEHYUNG replied.

" Are you guys okay" he said looking towards all of them.

" are the one lying on hospital bed " y/n said.
"You got shot not us " kookie said.

" Let me call the doctor first" jimin said and went to the doctor.

" What happened to me ???I'm completely fine.....
And look how you are talking kookie.....
did you already think that i would die and....." he was cut off with a glare from y/n and her words.

" We have been dying out here praying for your well being and this is the first thing you said after waking up" and a few tears rolled down her eyes.

His heart ached seeing her like this. His eyes became soft.
He cupped her face and wiped the tears with his thumbs and said
" I'm sorry y/n. I didn't mean to scare you.....
Please  stop crying......." but she couldn't stop.

" hurts" TAEHYUNG said clutching his chest and gaining both of kookie's and y/n's attention.

Y/n became worried....wiped her tears and asked " What happened.....were does it hurts???
Kookie call the" with that kookie left to again call the doctor.

TAEHYUNG took her hand and put it on his chest just above his heart and said
" Here hurts here".

" The bullet was really close to your heart .....let me call the doctors to check up on you" she tried to get up but he pulled her closer to his face and said.

" Your tears hurt .....right here " TAEHYUNG said.

Y/n whined like a baby and said
"Are you mad.....will you stop with your stupid acts are injured TAEHYUNG....
Can't you just behave like normal people for God's sake " . She stated while behaving like a kid.
She hit him lightly on his left shoulder getting irritated as he laughed at this state of her.

" really hurts....." TAEHYUNG said whining a little .

Just then jimin and kookie came with doctor.

Doctor came and checked TAEHYUNG'S vitals and said
" Mr. Kim is fine now.....he is out of danger too....
But" he took a pause and again y/n , jimin and kookie asked in unison

" But he needs to take complete rest for 3 weeks at least.......he should not strain himself even the slightest and even after that he should not exhaust himself.....

I know his work and that's why I'm tensed that he won't listen and strain himself....
But if any complications came now it will effect his health badly.

Take care of him....and his medications "
Doctor said and left.

" Jimin you can handle his mafia work right???" Y/n asked.

Happiness: The Fear [K.TH]Where stories live. Discover now