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Y/n flinched when lights went off. She stopped what she was doing and looked around if someone was there to help.
Actually the lighting for the seminar was getting set so she thought it must be because of that.
" Is anyone here????" she asked but no one was around. Her phone was also on the table so she started going there just then she felt someone behind her , she turned but no one was there.
Suddenly two arms were wrapped around her waist. She flinched at this sudden touch but relaxed the next second , after she realized who he was.
" Yahh.... why are you roaming around like a ghost?" Y/n asked.

" It was you who was behaving like a ghost ...  I just came in order to make sure you were okay" TAEHYUNG said.
The lights turned on and she pushed him a little.
She felt a little relieved when he was with her but she is not gonna accept that.
" you seriously just came ??" Y/n asked.
He nodded.
" But i felt someone was around" y/n said hesitantly.
" Its one dares to enter my cabin without my permission " TAEHYUNG said assuring her but wanted to cross check for her safety but didn't let her see his own suspicion.

Later the night

TAEHYUNG was working on the his laptop when he suddenly heard soft snores coming from the room beside.
He went and saw y/n sleeping in the middle of hundreds of designs that probably looked for his office.
Well y/n has already handled the seminar preparation very well. The lighting was done, all food caterers were booked and alloted,  the games were prepared and everything was set so she thought of working on other things and accidentally fell asleep because of getting extremely tired.
TAEHYUNG couldn't go home . He couldn't leave her alone and thought of working till she is done and that is when he saw her sleeping peacefully.

Well the room she was in was a small apartment in itself. It had a bed, a couch, study table , washroom and a bathroom.  Overall it was a cute little house that TAEHYUNG sometime used when he was working late and sometimes even slept.

He went inside and saw her sleeping while pouting a little.  He smiled seeing her like this and went closer to her. He put all the designs away from her and then carried her in his arms and laid her on the bed while doing so she snuggled more in his chest and he smiled again . He felt warmth ,her warmth. He put the blanket over her and soon she curled up in a ball. TAEHYUNG switched on the night lights and went outside the room after admiring her for few minutes.  He couldn't leave her alone and surely couldn't wake her up. He put her phone on silent mode so that no one disturbs her sleep.

It was already 8pm and after working about an hour or so TAEHYUNG also fell asleep.  He too was tired after so many meetings and working.

It was midnight and y/n woke up not feeling her usual warmth. The bed was cozy but something was new. The cologne she had not felt for years was there . She smiled unknowingly and then she woke up abruptly at this thought. She felt blank for a second and then saw her surroundings.
"How did I come here?
I Don't remeber coming here? And this blanket?
Was it TAEHYUNG???"
No no no she suddenly stopped her thinking that she might get hurt again. She saw her designs put neatly. But what she saw next made her eyes wide FUCKING 12:13 am . How can i fall asleep here and for that long. She took her belongings and saw missed calls from Yeonjun.  He must have wanted to check upon her but he knows that she doesn't pick calls when she is busy.

She went outside and saw the rarest sight in front of her. The Devil sleeping peacefully.  She saw him sleeping for the first time and she unknowingly went near him. She sat on her knees and automatically her hands went to side the strands of hairs from his face . She was smiling seeing the cold , rude jerk sleeping like a baby.

Y/n Pov

" How can you act all cold and still manage to pull this cute baby face while sleeping " she said in a whisper which he can easily hear if he wasn't asleep.
She pouted a little thinking he will be back to his cold usual self the next day and started caressing his cheeks . His cheeks are soft like the candy floss and his big lashes like the bushes ready to unveil those dark black orbs. His lips......
Yaahhhhh what are you thinking.  But His lips are plump and naturally red .
Shut up.....
I scolded my self.
I don't even know for how long i was staring and caressing his cheeks when suddenly a hand grabbed my hand which i was caressing and heard a deep, husky but slightly cute voice
" I know I'm handsome.  Stop staring or your eyeballs might pop out".
His eyes opened and stared directly at me
While my eyes widened .
" I....I ....was" why the hell was i stuttering like i had committed some crime and caught red handed.
Well i was caught red handed.
I tried to pull my hand that was under his hand still on his cheek. His head still placed on the office table and blinking cutely like a baby.
" Don't "
That's the only thing he said and again closed his eyes.
" TAEHYUNG i need to go.....i...." I was cut off  .

" Please.....let me be " he said and this time he pulled me to his laps and snuggled in my neck.

I felt bewildered for a second. Did he just made me sit on his lap. And what is this feeling in my stomach.
I was flustered at this sudden touch and him snuggling more in my neck by every passing second was not helping at all.
Not gonna lie but i was liking it . I was nervous but liking his touch. His touch still had the power over me.
But this isn't right.
" TAEHYUNG you......." i was again cut off.

" Can't you just stay quiet " he said.

" I need to go home" i replied.

" You aren't going anywhere today....let me sleep like this" he said.

" Are you mad???" I whisper yelled at him. How can he say it like that.

" Please...." he said looking at me with his puppy eyes.
Is this the TAEHYUNG I know.  How is he being such a baby to me today.
" But...."
" Please....." he again showed those puppy eyes.

" Fine " I couldn't refuse him. How can someone refuse a cute baby like him.
Aishhhh this boy and his duality.

" But your back is gonna hurt tomorrow " i said stroking his hairs.
" Nope not at all " he said and i could feel his smirk even though he was still snuggled in my neck and with that i was in air lifted by him in his arms towards the room i came earlier from.

This time i snuggled in his chest hiding my blush and slight embarrassment.
I had no idea what was happening to him, to me and why we were behaving like that but i could care less and continued feeling the warmth and peace after so long.

He took me to the bed  and laid beside me.

He pulled me by my waist and pulled me closer to himself.
" Can i??" He asked after embracing me.
Such a jerk.
" You already are" i said with a tint of red hue on my cheeks which i knew he can see in the dimlit room.
I had no idea what we were doing and wanted to do ,what i felt to do, not thinking about the tomorrow and its consequences.
I hugged him and snuggled in his chest and muffled
" Can i????" smiling while asking him behaving like a teenager.

He chuckled and said " You already are" and kissed my hairs and put his chin over my head and pulled me more closer to himself
and with that we both drifted to sleep feeling each other's presence and the sense of security that it bring with itself.

Next day i woke up found myself............


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