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The meeting was fixed at the same building which y/n and TAEHYUNG tracked back from where the cars drived to the mansion.

Jimin and TAEHYUNG went inside with their men and went to the centre of building where a table was set for the meeting.

TAEHYUNG and jimin reached there observing every single thing.

" Nice seeing you Kim TAEHYUNG " a deep, hoarse voice was heard with the sound of foot steps . As soon as he entered the hall he said that and approached them and offered a hand shake that TAEHYUNG accepted.

" I hope i could say the same as well " TAEHYUNG retorted with a cold voice.

They sat at the table when TAEHYUNG spoke

" Why you attacked???"

" Straight to the point i like it ...." Ryujin replied back.

" Well i didn't know you were there " Ryujin said.

" Drop the act Ryujin and come to the point " jimin yelled.

" Impatient one ...i like it " Ryujin scoffed .

" Ryujin just get over with it and tell me why you did it " TAEHYUNG stated calmly as possible and then looked at Ryujin with a glare and spoke.

" well then listen.....
I was told to attack everyone present at the party by someone as a part of my deal with him.
But i didn't know that you were also present there otherwise why would i send the man equipped like naive kids" Ryujin spoke.

" Who was he ???" Jimin asked.

" Patience...park jimin Patience " Ryujin said and continued

" I guess this friend of yours is really Impatient that's why he didn't even looked at the guards who were following you guys when you came " Ryujin spoke.

" We don't need to tell you what we know and what we don't...
Tell us who he is and what he wants " jimin asked again.

" Ryujin " TAEHYUNG said and Ryujin looked at him taking the cue to continue

" Well i don't know who he is but he had some rare drugs which i needed.
And as a part of deal half of them were given to me on the day of attack before the party and half of them will be given today after. . .. "

" After what ????" Jimin asked again.

" After i hand you guys to him " Ryujin said with a smirk.

Jimin laughed maniacally while TAEHYUNG sat silently

" You think you can do that " jimin said glaring at him.

" I don't but he said he will do it himself and without any force " Ryujin said followed by a scream which made TAEHYUNG dart his head toward the scream and his heart clenched seeing a man dragging the love of his life with her hair.

Y/n looked at him with her glossy eyes but the anger was clearly visible in her eyes.

TAEHYUNG eyes shot red at the scene and the only thing that prevailed his aura was danger...
Deadly danger which will engulf everyone present there without thinking twice.

Happiness: The Fear [K.TH]Where stories live. Discover now