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I smiled a little and bowed with respect to THE CEO. He told me to sit down and asked me
" What is you name Miss?"

"Y/n sir" i replied with a smile.

He asked me about my work and ethics like a professional interviewer and i replied with same professionalism. We had a session of Q n A and after we were done,
He flashed his bunny smile and said" you are hired. You can come to work from tomorrow miss y/n."
I smiled back and thanked him for choosing me but asked him "Sir , Did you  choose me because i met you earlier?"

" I chose you because you were the most qualified and most appropriate person for this job. Don't  doubt you hardwork miss y/n. "

My smile grew wider as i heard that and stood up and bowed to him nicely and said " It would be my pleasure working under you Mr. Kim ."

His expression changed from being happy to a little frown , he then said with same sweetness
" I am not your boss Mr. Kim, Miss Y/n. I am JEON JUNGKOOK."

I tilted my head not understanding what he said because he himself said in the elevator that he is the CEO but now he is saying he is not. I questioned him again being all curious and said " but you yourself said before that you are a CEO??"
"yes i am. but not of Kim Enterprises  . I am the CEO  of Jeon industries ."

I opened my mouth to ask him again but he continued and said " I understand what you are thinking and answer to you question is
I am the best freind of your CEO KIM TAEHYUNG and his is currently  busy with an important  meeting . He asked me to take this interview himself. So here I am Miss y/n."

I made an oh face realizing the whole situation. He saw the expression on my face and chuckled " You are a cute person Miss y/n."
My cheeks turned red on his remark and smiled shyly .
"It would be nice to see you around miss
y/n ."
"Same here Mr. Jeon or should I call you sir?"

"Everybody calls me sir but if you want you can call me by my name. Since i am not you boss either. And it would be nice to have someone call you by your name here . I am sick of hearing sir everytime. Okay miss y/n."

I chuckled at his  cuteness and said " Okay JUNGKOOKIE but you will also call me by my name . Deal ?"

" Deal Y/n. "

He further added " It's  almost lunch time . If you don't  have any plans would you like to
Join me for lunch y/n?"

I was stunned at how easy he asked me that cause ofcourse he is a CEO  why would he like to be friends with a mere employee and with this thought i replied " it's  not that i have other plans or i don't  want to . But it's  just that it is still so new to call you by your name , you are some at a very high position and also the bestfriend of my Boss whom i even haven't  met . I don't  think it is okay for you to have lunch with a employee Sir."

"Y/n it is OKAY for me to have lunch with you if you don't  have any problem in doing that . Besides , no one has nothing to do with our personal lives ."

I nodded a little and he again said " And don't  ever address me as Sir again when we are alone. Okay??"

I smiled at his genuineness  and said " I won't  JUNGKOOKIE".

Then we both headed to a near by restaurant . He took me with him in his car and we both had our lunch and talked a lot. It was nice having a talk to someone so nice and sweet. I felt like i wasn't  alone anymore and wanted to be friends with him . But i knew it wasn't  possible. He was being nice to me cause it's  his nature and didn't  wanted to take advantage  of that. We went outside the restaurant  and was about to leave after bowing when he suddenly called my name. I turned around and faced him with a smile.

" I know it might be a little early for this but can we be friends ? It's  fine if you don't  want to be?"
"Why wouldn't  I want that KOOKIE ?" He smiled back showing his bunny teeth before both of us waved at each other and went our own ways.


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