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TAEHYUNG stromed to his room not taking anymore shit while stomping his feet like an angry kid.

Kookie carried Suhi to his room while Jimin went to his.

Y/n went after TAEHYUNG to see him.

At kookie's room

" What happened why were you and JIMIN laughing " Suhi asked genuinely.

" You seriously don't know " kookie asked as he thought suhi just wanted to tease y/n.

Suhi nodded in denial .

" Oh...innocent you and poor them " kookie said as he caressed Suhi's cheeks.

Suhi shyly smiled and asked again
" Tell me "

" Y/n and TAEHYUNG are together " kookie replied and saw Suhi widened her eyes.

" What my sweet y/n with that Cold man...
Is he blackmailing her "  Suhi asked not believing what kookie said.

" Yahhh...he is my Hyung " kookie said with a little pout.

" Sorry" Suhi said and looked down.

"But you are right he is a cold jerk...." Suhi looked at him in disbelief.

" But soon you will see how much they love each and for your kind information that cold man took a bullet for your sweet y/n " kookie said and suhi was looking at him with wide eyes and kookie realized what he said.

" You should sleep ......" kookie said as he tugged Suhi in bed and was about to leave when Suhi held his wrist and spoke
" Its okay ...
I trust you and understand if you don't want to talk about it
But please stay till y/n comes "

Kookie nodded and sit at the edge and continued caressing her hair .

Meanwhile At TAEHYUNG's Room

TAEHYUNG was standing near the window while his back facing the door.

Y/n entered and saw him standing there.
She knew he must be upset about what happened . At least i should have asked him , she thought and back hugged him.

" I'm sorry " y/n said still hugging while talking but he didn't budge or said something.

" Please say something....i know i should have asked you first" y/n spoke but still no answer.

" TAEHYUNG ....." y/n spoke as she broke the hug and stood in front of him.
But his face made her chuckled.
She smiled tip toed and kissed his pout.

A grown up man, the cold jerk, the devil , the mafia king standing there being all angry with a pout on his face like a small kid was surely a rare  sight to witness.

TAEHYUNG eyes widened when she suddenly peck his lips.
" You are so cute " y/n said again smiling.

" I'm not cute . I'm angry " TAEHYUNG said and turned around.

Happiness: The Fear [K.TH]Where stories live. Discover now