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    Y/n pov

It has been 3 weeks since i started  working in Kim enterprises . During these three weeks I have understand the working of this company . Nature of the colleagues and my strengths  as well. The new talent that i have discovered about myself after joining here is my capability  to embarrass myself again and again in front of Mr. Kim thousand times a day.

Once , i tripped on my own shoe and fell on the couch at his office and that isn't  embarrassing  at all after all the stupid things i have done.

I have left my phone in his office so many times that once JUNGKOOKIE  had to call Mr. Kim to talk to me cause i didn't  pick his calls. It led to Mr. Kim coming himself to my cubicle and hand me my phone himself.
Everybody  was shocked at his presence  in the office hallway cause Mr. Kim never go on rounds and it embarrassed  me even more when he told me to put it on silent during office hours.

I realized he must have had a lot of patience  to handle my clumsiness.  And I am sure he is taking  it all because  of JUNGKOOKIE  and JIMIN.

Yes, i have become very close to them during these 3 weeks. We had dinner a couple of times and Mr  Kim  also joined us there cause ofcourse  he is also their friend.
We have had lunch in the office as well few times. That too because JUNGKOOKIE  can be really  stubborn  when he wants to .

I and JIMIN  hit it off on our second meeting and he is one hell of a friend. I literally  tell JIMIN  about how i am embarrassing  myself in front of the Devil.
Yes Devil. I address  Mr. Kim as Devil  in front of them and they seem to be cool about it as it is a universal  fact.

He laugh a lot after i tell him my embarrassing  stories but also tell me its okay to be clumsy. He is a really nice friend.

We are working continuously  on the lee project as the final date is near and we are making every possible combination  to maximize the profit. This project  is about renovating the biggest Lee  mall in seoul. Me being the marketing  department  senior assistant  have to take care of the profits and figures to be in our favour. Yes i got promoted . Because of my work and because the senior assistant  had to go on leave due to family emergency.

I am supposed to have lunch at Mr  Kim's  office today cause JUNGKOOKIE  is coming . I was doing my work and notices it is now lunch time. I went towards Mr  Kim's  office , knocked and heard the usual cold voice " come in".

He was working on the laptop and didn't  spared me a glance. I told him about kookie coming and he gestured  me to sit on the couch with the lunch already on the table.

Usually  JUNGKOOKIE  would come on time but he was late today . Just then Mr. Kim spoke

" kookie  won't  be coming today. He got caught up in an emergency . He just texted me. You can start your lunch."

I grasped every word but it just didn't  felt right to eat alone in his office.
I stood up and said " Mr. Kim i will have my lunch in the office canteen . It's  lunch time so i think you should also have your lunch now. "

I bowed and was about to turn when i heard him

" Stop. This food is too much for me . Sit and eat ."
He said in his bossy voice and i could do nothing but to follow him. He came to the couch and we started opening  the food boxes . It was our regular lunch but since JUNGKOOKIE  wasn't  here it was too much for two people. TAEHYUNG  naturally  put the spicy food aside as he can't tolerate it.

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