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It was afternoon in the big Kim mansion when TAEHYUNG was working secretly on his laptop hiding from y/n otherwise he would have to face her wrath.

He was in his study when the door suddenly opened making him to close his laptop in a hurry as only one person can dare to shut open the door in this house ....
The lady of the house

He started looking here and there as if he wasn't doing anything but glared at the person who entered when he saw that person laughing wildly.

Jimin had just entered the room and laughed at the situation of TAEHYUNG being all scared of a little, sweet girl.

" Park Jimin " TAEHYUNG growled but jimin couldn't control his laugh and fell on the bed while laughing.

" You....loo..k ....funny....." Jimin said in between his laugh.

" You...." jimin cut off TAEHYUNG'S word and said

" I'm sorry.....
But i couldn't miss the site when the mafia king is afraid "

" Yahh....look who's speaking.....
Forget when you were scolded like a 5 year old kid for being late for the dinner" TAEHYUNG snapped back.

" You were nagged like a little kid for skipping your meals.....You forget Mr Kim" Jimin replied back.

" You got hit on head for teasing kookie....
Did you forget " TAEHYUNG said.

" She loves me the most" a voice said and both TAEHYUNG and jimin turned around to find kookie standing on the door with a proud smile.

" I'm her favorite " kookie said.

" Shut up" jimin and TAEHYUNG said in unison.

" Okay now tell why did you guys come" TAEHYUNG asked.

" Well there is something you need to handle about the next consignment of guns" Jimin said and explained all the details.

" But who will finalize this meeting.....
Both I and kookie have to leave for few days to busan ....
And you...." jimin said and kookie agreed.

" Don't worry..... I will handle it" TAEHYUNG said and continued

" We can arrange this meeting in other warehouse of our and like that it won't be a problem for any of us....." .

" But y/n won't agree " kookie said.

" And why is that????" Y/n asked entering the room and continued

" I already said .....
If it's necessary than and only than it is allowed and It's the only way i guess....

So i don't mind"

" Really " TAEHYUNG asked being suspicious of her agreeing without being convinced by anyone .

" Yes ofcourse....

" I knew it " TAEHYUNG scoffed.

" I will also come with you" y/n said looking at TAEHYUNG to which he immediately denied and said

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