chapter one

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alexandra's POV:

looking out the window, the darkness is clear. street lamps are turning on and wind is blowing the orange leaves down the empty streets. i make my way to my bed. checking my phone i see it is about 10:30 at night. i notice the multiple texts from my boyfriend jackson. i turn my phone off and lay in my bed wondering where everything went wrong.

things have not been the same in my relationship for a couple of months now. we had just celebrated our 3 year anniversary the week before. jackson is very nice and kind but it doesn't feel like we have the same spark. we tend to have small fights over random things and it's honestly draining. i wish that things could go back to normal but ever since we started college in august, we are constantly fighting and seem more distant than ever. it is now the last week of november and our semester is going to end soon.

me and jackson go to different colleges. i go to one in the city about an hour away and he goes to our local community college. we both live at home and just commute. school has been amazing for me but i've been spending more time on my schoolwork which causes me and jackson to spend less time together. a couple of months ago i probably would have minded the fact that we only see each other once a week but now i don't mind as much. he seems to care a lot though.

i look back at my phone and it's 11:30 pm. an hour has passed already as i have been consumed in my own thoughts. i decide to answer jackson to say goodnight and drift off to sleep.

my alarm goes off and i groan rolling over to turn it off. i check my phone it's now 6:30 am. great. another day of school. it was friday so i only had one class today. i thought it was kind of pointless to travel to school for an hour and a half just to be at a class that was only an hour long. all of that just to take another hour and a half to travel home.

i quickly roll out of bed and dress myself before heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my curls. i put on some mascara and lipgloss. i check myself in the mirror one last time before heading off to school. im wearing black cargo pants, a gray crewneck with a black puffer vest and my black and white nike dunks. finally i put on my rings, necklaces and watch.  i finally grab my keys and make my way to the car.

i arrive at the train station and park the car. after paying for parking, i go to stand near the edge of the platform to wait for the train. as im standing, i start to feel the cold wind hit my face and rain droplets fall from the sky. it's still quite early meaning the sun hasn't completely come up leaving it to be sort of dark outside. the dark foggy weather was my favorite so i couldn't really complain. fall and winter were my favorite seasons.

suddenly i feel a force behind me pushing me forward towards the tracks. i swear i saw my life flash within my own eyes. as im falling forward, i feel a hand grab my arm pulling me back to avoid me landing in the tracks. i turn landing on something, or better yet someone. we both are laying on the floor, me on top of them. i open my eyes to find that the person under me was one of the prettiest girls i've ever seen. she was absolutely gorgeous. she was looking at me with wide eyes.

i begin to get up, helping her up along the way. she reaches for my arm and begins to apologize.

"are you okay? oh my god i am so sorry i wasn't looking. i'm such a dumb ass are you-" she began to ramble, her wide beautiful eyes filled with fear, but i cut her off.

"hey it's okay don't worry about it. i'm good." i smiled. i slowly trace my eyes down at my arm where she was still holding me.

she noticed her hand still on my arm and she pulled back as her cheeks reddened. she smiles back and also took a step away from me to add distance considering we were a couple of inches away from each other.

"i'm so sorry again i wasn't looking. i am glad you're okay though". she whispered looking down at the floor, the last part almost unable to hear but i was able to catch it.

i couldn't help but smile. i take a closer look at her and notice her eyes were a beautiful shade of light brown almost amber with hues of green. her eyelashes were long and full. her hair was slightly wavy and blonde that fell under her shoulders. her complexion was fair and she was a couple of inches shorter than me. she was wearing a gray zip up jacket with blue jeans and converse. overall beautiful if you ask me.

"thank you for saving me" i laughed as i turned to see my train now approaching.

"you're welcome even though you wouldn't need saving if i wasn't so dumb." i saw blood rush to her cheeks yet again and notice myself smiling at how cute it was.

we both get on the same train. i take a seat next to a window and i put my headphones on, staring out watching the rain. it takes about 1 hour to get to the city. the whole time i notice the girl, who i never got her name by the way, would look at me but look away quickly when i caught her. i've never seen her before but it seems that she also takes the same train as me. i wonder if she works or goes to school in the city as well.

i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. i look down to see a text message from jackson.

jackson: good morning. hope you have a good day. i'm going to school now then the gym after. text me when you can.

i decide to wish him a good day as well and told him we would talk later. as i was texting him, i notice the girl from across the train now getting up to offer her seat to an older woman. she seemed to be really kind. i know many people who tend to not give their seats up easily especially when it was busy.

as we begin to approach the final stop, i notice she's still on the train as well. by this time, mostly everyone has gotten off. usually the only people left on the train at this point are students attending the same university as me. i start to really wonder if she's always on the train with me and i've just never noticed her.

we get off and as i expected, the city is much more colder and there's puddles of rain everywhere. i begin approaching the bus stop feeling my shoes become damp. i soon realize that she gets on same bus as well and we make our way to school. i can't help but take quick glances at her throughout the bus ride but making sure she doesn't notice me. we get off at the university's stop and i watch as she walks a different direction as me towards the school.

i internally beat myself up realizing that i should've asked for her name.

a/n: hello! this is my first ever book so i'm new to writing. i've been working hard on this book and i hope everyone enjoys it as much as i did writing it.

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