chapter seventeen

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megan's pov:

i felt at a loss of words. my feelings and emotions were all overwhelming. the amount of effort and time this must have took to plan is unbelievable. what is even more unbelievable is that she did this for me. all my life i've been overlooked and ignored by my family. being a middle child meant i was constantly trying to get attention from my parents whenever i could. i did my best in school to try and make them proud but they were more focused on my little brothers activities or my older sister's accomplishments. the fact that she went through all of this trouble for me makes me feel so special. no one has ever done this.

"hey are you okay?" alexandra says finally snapping me out of my thoughts. her thumb goes to the corner of my eye to wipe a small tear away. i hadn't even realize my eyes were watering. thank god for waterproof mascara.

"yes everything is more than okay. this is perfect. thank you so much alex." i hugged her. her familiar scent put me at ease and felt all of my overwhelming thoughts go away.

"you're welcome mi ángel." she softly whispered into my hair with the accent i notice comes out when she says certain words. "come on let's go sit down." she pulls away and takes my hand to guide me to one of the chairs.

she pulls out the chair for me and takes my purse as i sit down. she helps push my chair in before taking a seat across from me.

"i still can't believe you did this all for me." i sighed.

"if i could give you the moon, i would. the night just started corazón. we have a lot more things planned." she said wholeheartedly. my heart melted at her words. god when she said things in spanish with her accent it made me feel butterflies in my stomach. i had noticed her accent from the first time we had met and it honestly attracted me even more.

"i feel like i'm dreaming. i'm scared i will wake up and this won't be real." i said closing my eyes. i suddenly feel a pinch on my thigh. i quickly open my eyes to find alex smirking.

"still think it's a dream?" she teased.

"ow you asshole. that actually kind of hurt." i say pouting

she began to rub the spot she had pinched. "i'm sorry corazón. i just wanted to show you this was real." she laughed.


dinner was amazing. we talked about everything and anything. we talked about alex's childhood and what her parents did. i know the conversation about her mom is still pretty rough to talk about so i didn't wanna bring up exactly what happened to her mom. we also talked about how school was going. she refrained from asking any questions about my parents.

i'm sure she didn't want to ask about how we had so much money. i admire the fact that she is considerate and would rather allow me to open up about it rather than just asking. i was going to tell her soon. it's not really something i'm ashamed of. it's just something i prefer not talking about because i don't like associating myself with my parents money.

when the waiter had came to our table to ask if everything was alright, i had asked him for the check. i insisted that we would split it but alex refused.

"too bad i gave them my card ahead of time so don't even think about it." she said.

the thought of how much money she must have spent on this is crazy. i know this must have costed a fortune and i feel so bad letting her spend all that money on me.

we were sitting at the train station after leaving the restaurant. she told me she had more things planned for us to do which i was so excited for. the night has already been so perfect and i can't imagine how much better it could get than this.

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