chapter twenty one

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megan's pov:

i slowly open my eyes to find an empty bed. i turn to look out the window still realizing it must be early since it was still dark out. i laid in bed closing my eyes a little. i was still tired from what had happened last night. thoughts of what had happened resurfaced and kept replayed in my head.

i heard what she had said.

i know she must have thought i was asleep but i'm a pretty light sleeper. she loved me. i wanted to respond back and tell her i loved her too but i didn't want to freak her out. i knew how i felt about her but i was scared that it was too soon to be feeling this type of way towards her.

i was afraid that i'd get so attached so quickly just for her to leave. it's not fair of me to think of that towards her but i can't help but do so. i was terrified after what happened with juliet. what if she told me she loved me now but things didn't work out between us. it was still so soon.

i knew it was soon but i already knew i loved her. the thought itself was scary but i couldn't hide the fact that it was true.

i sit up on my bed looking around. i picked up my phone from the nightstand and noticed the time. it was 5 am. i saw she had texted me and a smile appeared on my face.

alexandra: hey corazón, i'm sorry i couldn't stay longer. i didn't want my dad to find out i had been gone. i had an amazing time. i'll text you when i get home. :)

alexandra: btw you are a cute sleeper. you kinda snore

i do not snore. i smiled at the texts but realized she didn't text me after that. she must have gotten home and fell right asleep. i click on the app on my phone that allowed me to see where her location was at. it showed she was still down the street?

i begin to panic and call her phone. no answer. i called again. no answer. i decided i would call one more time before going down to where it said she was at. i called her again and there was no answer.

i quickly got up and put clothes on before running down stairs. my mother was awake getting her coffee ready for her and my father. i put my shoes on and run to the door.

"where are you going? you're grounded remember?" she scolded while stepping in front of the door blocking me from leaving.

"mom please move i need to go." i yelled. my head was hurting with all the scenarios in my head. was she okay? why was her location there.

"where do you need to go at these hours." she took a hold of my shoulders pushing me away. tears were falling down my cheeks from anger.

"i need to see alexandra." i said trying to push her out of the way.

"why? you just saw her yesterday. you can see her later. why are you crying? what's going on?" she asked.

"i think something happened to her." i sobbed into her chest. "i love her mom. what if she's hurt. i can't just sit here and do nothing. please let me go." i finally pushed passed her opening the door running out. it was raining quite heavily but i grabbed my little brothers bike that was left on the side of the house and pedaled through the front gates. i heard my mom yell out for me but i ignored her. i pedaled as fast as i could with tears blurring my vision. i look down at my phone as it got wet with rain drops and noticed i needed to make a right on the main street.

the sight makes my eyes water even more. my breath hitched as i approached the scene. there was glass all over the floor and i see alexandra's car flipped. a tow truck was pulling a car out from the side of her car. the police were examining the scene and i ran to one of the officers.

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