chapter thirty five

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alexandra's pov:

"what is it that you do?" megan's dad asked mine as we began to eat.

my dad wiped his mouth with a napkin before smiling. "i work as a layout engineer. i make blueprints for office spaces for larger companies such as google or apple."

"oh that's great. did you go to school for that?" nicole asked. robert turns and looks at her and i notice megan did as well.

"no ma'am. i learned everything by myself and i was able to land a job where they gave me the opportunity to show them what i could do. i built my way up to a larger company." my dad gave a polite smile before looking back down at his food.

so far everything was going okay. i noticed michael and christopher were talking to each other. i wasn't really paying attention about what it was but i saw they were getting along. everyone was eating and there was silence for a little. it was getting slightly uncomfortable.

"i wanted to thank you personally for the car. when alexandra had gotten home i didn't really believe that it was true. it definitely means a lot to both of us." my dad said breaking the silence.

"it's no problem. megan gave us the money for it and asked us to do the buying process. after everything that happened it was the least we could do." robert says taking his wife's hand in his.

megan brought her hand on my thigh and stopped my leg from bouncing. i hadn't realized i was doing it. it was almost a subconscious thing that i got so used to doing so often.

"this is going pretty well." she leans over and whispers in my ear.

"yeah a little better than i expected honestly." i lean in closer to her.

"so alexandra. how is your arm healing?" mrs. taylor asked. i lean away from megan and sit up straighter.

"i don't really feel pain anymore. i'm supposed to go next week to get it off and take x-rays. i'll get a new one put back on after." i explained.

"that's good sweetie. hopefully you don't have to wear it too long. it's been already, what 3 weeks since the accident?" she asked taking a sip from her wine.

"yes ma'am." i replied.

"i hope you are recovering smoothly. i'm sure in no time that cast will be off." she chuckled and continued eating.

we spent the rest of the evening sitting in the living room whilst the parents were talking. my dad and megan's parents were talking about sports and how my dad came from mexico. everyone loved to hear that story about him i guess. every time he met someone it was always the first thing they asked about him. i found it rather annoying that it was the only thing people saw when they looked at him but he didn't seem to mind.

megan and i were sitting on the couch watching michael and christopher play video games. michael had brought down his playstation to play video games with chris. they found they had a lot in common and they already exchanged contact information so they could talk. i knew that chris was hurt by the fact that jackson and i weren't together anymore, but it seemed that he didn't care about that anymore because he liked megan and her family even more.

i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and noticed it was from an unknown number. i decided to ignore the call and put my phone back.

it was nearing midnight and everyone was in the living room while we had the countdown displayed on the tv. the countdown had 1 minute left.

"it's crazy how much had happened in such a short amount of time." i turn to megan and smile. she laughed as i tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "i'm so glad i met you."

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