chapter thirty seven

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alexandra's pov:

i stood in disbelief. the last person i ever expected to see, was standing in front of me. my mother stood less than 20 feet away from me yet i couldn't bring myself to run and hug her. i pictured this moment millions of times in my head for a year after she had left. i imagined how i'd run into her arms and hug her tightly. i would have held her so closely and never let her go. i would tell her how much i missed her and how much i loved her. every single day i wished this dream would come true. now all i could hope for is that this was a dream, and that she really wasn't here.

megan slipped her hand into my good hand and turned me to face her.

"do you want to go over there? we can leave if this is too much." she says trying to look into my eyes to find a reaction.

"i can't be here right now." i sighed. i felt like i was losing it. all that built up anger felt like it was boiling over.

how dare she come back after all these years. she expects me to run to her with open arms? she's acting like everything is fine. as if she didn't just abandon her own family. that's all i had to say for megan to rush me out of the restaurant.

we made our way outside after hearing my name being called multiple times. we found a bench nearby and sat down. megan didn't say anything right away. she let me sit and think for a moment which i really appreciated.

"whenever you want to talk about it, i'm here baby. you don't have to talk to her. you don't owe her anything." she reassured me as i laid my head on her shoulder. i nodded my head and continued to stare out onto the street.

the sounds of cars honking and people's footsteps filled the air. it was quite cold. i felt the breeze hit the back of my neck which caused me to shiver. megan took her coat off and put it around me. we didn't bother to put my arms in knowing the cast wouldn't go through.

a couple of moments later, i hear faint arguing in the distance. i turn back to see my parents arguing in front of the restaurant and giovanni arguing with christopher. giovanni and my father storm off making their way towards us.

"i am so sorry mija let's go." my dad says as soon as he gets near us.

"i don't even know how she could even come back here like that." giovanni fumed. i could see how angry he was.

"how did she even know we would be here?" i questioned.

both my dad and giovanni shrugged their shoulders. christopher appears with my mom trailing behind him.

"lexi i can explain. i thought we could finally fix things. she missed us and she wanted to be here for you..." christopher began rambling.

"you did this?" i spat at him. i stood up and megan did as well.

"she wanted to see you again."

"i think i could've decided that for myself christopher." i rolled my eyes and began to talk away. i took megan by the hand and she quickly followed. i didn't know where i was going but it didn't matter.

"lexi baby. wait! please. i want to talk to you." i heard my mother finally speak. hearing her voice made something in me break a little. i stopped in my tracks and turned to face her.

"don't do that. don't act like you care. if you really cared you would've never left." i scoffed.

"i've always cared about you lexi. i always will. you're my baby girl. my only daughter." she began walking towards me. "it killed me to leave you."

"oh please save it. you wouldn't have destroyed your whole family over some random man. who you only knew for a couple of months. tell me mom. was he worth it?" i yelled. the tears in my eyes were threatening to spill over and it was taking everything in me to not let that happen. i couldn't show her how much it hurt me.

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