chapter thirty one

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alexandra's pov:

mr. taylor opened the door revealing a blonde girl slightly taller than megan. she looked so similar to megan but an older version of her. i turn to my left to look at my girl and the color from her face was drained. she looked mortified. we hardly talked about her older sister but from what i knew they never had the best relationship.

"are you okay?" i whispered to her. she snaps out of her trance and turns towards me.

"yeah i'm good sorry." she shrugs and fakes a smile. i can tell it was fake because her real smiles reached her eyes. i knew this was going to bother her so i tried to take note of different ways i could be there for her.

"well, you haven't changed much." lilian says facing megan and walking towards us. she stops at her mom and hugs her. "hi mom."

megan rolls her eyes and i see her jaw clench.

"nice to see you too lily." megan says sarcastically.

ryan and michael run towards her and hugs her. she greets them and kisses their head before turning towards us again.

"who's this?" she asks pointing her head at me.

i see megan hesitate on what to say. i contemplated on whether i just introduce myself as a friend to make it easier but megan finally speaks up.

"this is my girlfriend. alexandra." megan stands a little taller and puts her arm around my waist. i feel my lips curl into a smile.

"hi it's nice to meet you." i say politely and stuck my functioning arm out.

she looks down at my hand for a second before finally taking it. "likewise." she responds simply. she quickly takes her hand away and looks me up and down.

"i didn't know you liked girls now meggy. is this just a phase or what?" she asks sneeringly.

megan clenches her first and i quickly take my hand and interlace my fingers with hers. i instantly feel her calm down and take a deep breath.

"no lilian. it's not a phase." she responds softly trying to remain as calm as possible.

lily rolls her eyes and orders for one of the housekeepers to take her stuff upstairs. i can't help but think of how spoiled she must be. megan and her siblings never talk to their housekeepers like that. but i could never understand considering i'm not in that position. i just expected that they all had some decency towards the people who work for them.

"what are you doing here?" megan interrogated. "aren't you supposed to be in new york working or studying."

"i wasn't going to come but i decided i could take some time off of work to visit my family." she says passive aggressively.

"how kind of you." megan mutters.

"alright girls that's enough. let's eat." mr. taylor suggests.

we sit down at the table as the chef brings out the rest of the food. the table was filled with all sorts of breakfast items such as pancakes, eggs, bacon, fruit, french toast, hash brown, and toast. there was also the option between apply juice, orange juice, water, or coffee. it genuinely was a lot of food and i was concerned about what they did with the rest of it.

we ate as they made small talk with lilian. apparently she hadn't been home since the summer so they were doing a lot of catching up with her. i occasionally turned over to glance at megan and she was using her fork to move her food around the table. i knew her sister being back was bothering her but i was unsure of what to do to bring her mood back up. i place my left hand on her thigh, luckily she was sitting to the left of me, and she turned and smiled at me.

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